14th December
On an increasingly windy and wet day the Barred Warbler successfully completed a fortnight in residence at the Obs and remained the star attraction; 3 Purple Sandpipers, a Black Redstart and a Blackcap at the Obs constituted the only other reports of note from the land. Sea interest perked up, with 15 Red-throated Divers, 3 Great Skuas and 2 Red-breasted Mergansers through off the Bill, a Yellow-legged Gull dropped in at Ferrybridge and the Black Guillemot, 4 Eiders, 2 Common Scoters and usual selection of divers and grebes remained in Portland Harbour.
Barred Warbler, Yellow-legged Gull, Red-breasted Merganser and Eider - Portland Bill, Ferrybridge and Portland Harbour, 14th December 2014 © Trevor Codlin The Barley Birder (Barred Warbler), Pete Saunders (Yellow-legged Gull) and Tony Hovell Tony Hovell's Wildlife (Red-breasted Merganser and Eider)