even a hint of an upturn in passage today as October ended under
dreary skies that matched the general air of gloom prevailing amongst
the gathered birders. A damp dawn that on other occasions might have
produced a hatful of thrushes came up with next to nothing by way of
new arrivals, with 250 southbound Linnets, 4 Black Redstarts,
2 Water Rails, 2 Purple Sandpipers and a Firecrest
being easily the best of a bad job at the Bill. Elsewhere, another Black
Redstart was at Reap Lane, 2 Pale-bellied Brents and a Black
Brant were again at Ferrybridge and singles of Red-necked Grebe
and Sandwich Tern were in Portland Harbour.

Sanderling -
Ferrybridge, 30th October 2013 © Pete Saunders
30th October
all round today, with a lot of legwork in for the most part decent
conditions coming up with few rewards of any consequence. For a while
after dawn it looked like visible passage would feature but, after 320
Wood Pigeons, 9 Bramblings and, rather oddly, a Goosander
amongst others put in an appearance over the Bill, everything fizzled
out. Grounded migrants have been so thin on the ground just lately
that it probably wasn't a surprise that, for the umpteenth day, they
scarcely featured at all; single Black Redstarts at the Bill
and Blacknor were two of the only birds worth a mention. A lone
passing Balearic Shearwater off the Bill was the only seabird
of note.

Gull and Sabine's Gull - Ferrybridge and Chesil Cove,
29th October 2013 © Pete Saunders (Little Gull flying), Debby
Saunders (Little Gull settled) and Joe Stockwell Yet
another birding blog (Sabine's Gull)
...and a bit of video -
taken in terrible light - of the Sabine's Gull:
29th October
calm after yesterday's storm wasn't really as calm as might have been
hoped, with birding on the land quite difficult in a still blusterly
north-westerly. Even if there was precious little evidence of
nocturnal migrants having dropped in there was a fair bit on the move
once dawn broke, with 600 Goldfinches, 400 Wood Pigeons,
300 Linnets, 150 Chaffinches and 20 Swallows
making up the bulk of a respectable southbound passage over the Bill;
grounded migrants there included nothing much better than 2 Ring
Ouzels, a Short-eared Owl and a Firecrest, whilst
elsewhere 2 Black Redstarts were at Portland Castle.
Seawatching still had its rewards, with a Sabine's Gull
lingering off Chesil Cove during the afternoon and 5 Balearic
Shearwaters, 2 Little Gulls and singles of Great
Northern Diver and Manx Shearwater through off the Bill.
The Red-necked Grebe remained in Portland Harbour, where a Great
Northern Diver and a Common Scoter provided further
interest, whilst the Arctic Tern and a Little Gull were
at Ferrybridge.

Scoter and Grey Plover - Chesil Cove and Ferrybridge,
28th October 2013 © Debby Saunders (Surf Scoter settled & Grey
Plover) and Pete Saunders (Surf Scoter flying)
...and a bit of evidence
for the origins of some of the large numbers of Great Black-backed
Gulls about at the moment (photos © Martin Cade). 2AA0 that was at
Osprey Quay this afternoon was ringed as a nestling on an islet off
Herm, Channel Isles, on 1st July this year; the ringer, Paul Veron,
also kindly passed us a
link to a short article with further details of the monitoring
trip during which this bird was ringed:

...whilst 22L which was
at the Bill last week was ringed as a nestling at Le Havre, France, on
24th July last year; the ringer, Gilles Le Guillou, kindly also
informed us that this individual was sighted in Cornwall during
January and at two sites in northern France during September:

28th October
we gather that Portland Bill recorded the highest wind-speed (81mph)
in SW England during last night's storm, it didn't seem at the time to
be a particularly exceptional event and the quality of the day's
seawatching probably bore that out: there were some decent sightings
to be had but overall a lot of coverage came up with nothing in great
quanity. The stand-out highlight was a Surf Scoter that pitched
in briefly at Chesil Cove during the afternoon, whilst the best of the
back-up cast were a Grey Phalarope in Chesil Cove and c10 Storm
Petrels and a Sabine's Gull through off the Bill; routine
sea passage was uneventful, with 10 Brent Geese, 6 Great
Skuas, 3 Little Gulls, 2 Red-throated Divers, 2 Yellow-legged
Gulls and singles of Manx Shearwater, Balearic
Shearwater and Arctic Skua through off the Bill, whilst the
shelter of Portland Harbour held singles of Long-tailed Duck
and Red-necked Grebe. Birding on the land was again hard work
in the constant buffeting wind, but 1000 Linnets, 170 Goldfinches
and 3 Merlins headed south at the Bill through the morning, 2 Black
Redstarts and a Firecrest were grounded there, another 3 Firecrests
were at Pennsylvania Castle, a late Garden Warbler was at
Weston Street and the Arctic Tern remained at
Ferrybridge/Chesil Cove.

Sandpiper and Ring Ouzel - Ferrybridge and Penn's
Weare, 27th October 2013 © Pete Saunders (Purple Sandpiper) and Keith
Pritchard Birding
Portland UK (Ring Ouzel)
...two particularly
noteworthy records: Purple Sandpiper is a real oddity anywhere away
from the tip of the Bill, whilst the colour-rings worn by the Ring
Ouzel should give us the first unequivocal evidence for the origin of
the migrants that pass through Portland.
27th October
pretty rough day following a very stormy night. Not surprisingly it
was the sea that came up with most of the day's highlights, notably
singles of Leach's Petrel and Sabine's Gull at Chesil
Cove and a Leach's Petrel through off the Bill. The back-up
cast was maybe not as extensive as might have been hoped: a feeding
flock of gulls and Gannets off the Bill attracted the constant
attention of a variety of skuas, including a dozen or more Great
Skuas, 4 Arctic Skuas and 2 Pomarine Skuas, whilst 3
Balearic Shearwaters and a Manx Shearwater also passed
through there; singles of Arctic Skua and Little Gull
also passed through at Chesil Cove, and at least 24 Kittiwakes
were in Portland Harbour. In windswept conditions birding on the land
was very hard work but 4 Ring Ouzels and a Wheatear were
of note in the shelter of Penn's Weare, a Black Redstart was at
Reap Lane and a Purple Sandpiper and the Arctic Tern
were at Ferrybridge.
an autumn when - Balearic Shearwaters aside - the sea has come up with
few rewards today finally saw things perk up. Numbers were nothing
special but quality came in the form of a Leach's Petrel
through Chesil Cove and 9 Balearic Shearwaters, 5 Great
Skuas, 4 Sooty Shearwaters, a Red-throated Diver, a Pomarine
Skua, an Arctic Skua and a Sabine's Gull through off
the Bill. It was really too windy and/or wet for serious coverage of
the land, but interest there was provided by a Merlin and a Firecrest
at the Bill, a Black Redstart and a Brambling at
Southwell, 3 more Firecrests and another Brambling at
Pennsylvania Castle/Wakeham, a Black Redstart at Portland
Heights, 8 Swallows and a House Martin at Verne Common,
4 Black Redstarts at Portland Castle and a Black Brant
and the Arctic Tern at Ferrybridge.

- Southwell, 25th October 2013 © Debby Saunders
...and from yesterday a
Pale-bellied Brent Goose at Ferrybridge (© Pete Saunders):

25th October
it might seem from the day's list that there was a fair bit about that
certainly didn't reflect the reality of spending time birding and, for
the most part, getting precious little reward at all. The conditions
weren't helpful, with a constant gusty wind to contend with, and
common migrants weren't at all numerous either on the ground or
overhead. However, the list of oddities included 3 Black Redstarts,
2 Ring Ouzels, a Merlin, a Woodlark, a Yellow-browed
Warbler (only briefly at dawn at the Obs) and a Firecrest
at the Bill, 2 Arctic Skuas and a Balearic Shearwater
through on the sea there, singles of Water Rail, a late Whitethroat,
and Brambling at Southwell, 6 Firecrests and a Yellow-browed
Warbler at Pennsylvania Castle/Windmills and one of the Black
Brants and the Arctic Tern still at Ferrybridge.
reminder that the next In Focus field event at the Obs takes place
between 10am and 4pm tomorrow, Saturday 26th October.

Redstart, Reed Bunting and Short-eared Owl -
Portland Bill, 24th October 2013 © Brett Spencer Brett's
Goosey Ganderings (Black Redstart & Short-eared
Owl) and Martin Cade (Reed Bunting)
...and the day wasn't
without its frustrations: an apparent nightjar seen fleetingly in the
Obs garden in the pre-dawn half-light was annoying enough, but later
even an admittedly very distant photo (© Joe Stockwell Yet
another birding blog) maybe isn't quite enough to clinch what
looked to be a good bet for a Rustic Bunting that dropped in briefly
high on the West Cliffs at the Bill:

24th October
light southerly breeze and clear skies saw a lot of migrants take
advantage of a brief window of opportunity to make their exit, with a
strong overhead passage during the first few hours of the morning;
from the dearth of birds on the ground it looked very much like
nocturnal migrants had made full use of similar conditions in the
preceding hours of darkness. Visible passage over the Bill included
totals of around 1000 Linnets, 400 each of Skylark and Chaffinch,
300 each of Wood Pigeon and Goldfinch, 200 Pied
Wagtails and 30 each of Dunnock, Siskin and Reed
Bunting; among the wide variety of make-weights 3 Woodlarks
and 2 Tree Sparrows were of particular note, whilst elsewhere 3
Crossbills passed over Tout Quarry/Portland Heights. On the
ground there were at least 30 Stonechats at the Bill, but few
if any other routine migrants were at all numerous; quality came in
the form of 3 Water Rails, 3 Short-eared Owls, 2 Merlins,
2 Black Redstarts, a Ring Ouzel, a Yellow-browed
Warbler and a Firecrest at the Bill, 2 Ring Ouzels,
a Merlin and a Black Redstart at the Windmills, 2 Black
Redstarts at Blacknor and the Arctic Tern still at
Red-veined Darter was seen briefly at the Bill.

Brants and Arctic Tern - Ferrybridge, 23rd October 2013 ©
Pete Saunders (two Black Brants & settled Arctic Tern), Debby
Saunders (flying Arctic Tern) and Brett Spencer Brett's
Goosey Ganderings (single Black Brant)
23rd October
little more to report today although not a great deal of it was on the
ground where we'd certainly wish it to be right now. After a very
stormy night the seawatchers were again expectant, but although a
lingering Storm Petrel was a notable newcomer at Chesil Cove
passage itself consisted of little more than 17 Brent Geese, 4 Great
Skuas, 2 Little Gulls and a Great Northern Diver
through off the Bill; singles of Little Gull, Sandwich Tern
and Common Tern were also lingering at Chesil Cove. Visible
passage was much more conspicuous than in recent days, with a sample
count of the steady southbound movement at the Bill coming up with
1750 Linnets, 600 Goldfinches, 180 alba wagtails,
70 Starlings and 48 Skylarks; 5 Swallows, 3 Merlins
and a Golden Plover were among the extras logged there at other
times. Grounded migrants remained at a premium with nothing in any
quantity and only Black Redstarts at the Bill, Blacknor (2) and
Chesil Cove of any very minor quality. Elsewhere the 2 Black Brants
were again at Ferrybridge.
momentous events on this date last year were certainly not repeated,
with last year's excesses having been replaced this year by an island
seemingly almost bereft of migrants of note. The prevailing mild but
unsettled southerly airflow has clearly knocked passage on the head,
to the extent that amongst the day's tiny number of new arrivals the
only interest came in the form of 2 Merlins, 2 Reed Buntings,
a Short-eared Owl and a Black Redstart at the Bill,
further Black Redstarts at Reap Lane (2) and Chesil Cove, and
one of the Black Brants, together with a late Common Tern,
at Ferrybridge.
hardly representing an upturn in fortunes at a time that ought to be
an awful lot better there was just a little more on offer today. With
the wind still blowing hard the sea was well watched: a constant
procession of west-bound Gannets off the Bill certainly gave
the impression that routine passage had picked up, but 5 Balearic
Shearwaters, 3 Great Skuas and a Brent Goose were
the only oddities tagging along; singles of Great Skua, Arctic
Skua and Little Gull also passed through off Chesil Cove.
Four Black Redstarts dotted about the island were clearly new
arrivals, as was a Woodcock at the Bill; routine fare remained
poorly represented, with 2 Merlins at the Bill and a Reed
Bunting at Barleycrates Lane of note but little else beyond the
lightest scatter of Chiffchaffs everywhere.

Friday's Woodlark - Portland Bill, 18th October 2013 © Steve
Copsey Three
Amigo's Birding
20th October
day of frequent heavy showers blown through on a stiff south-westerly
- rather dishearteningly, apparently setting the pattern for the week
to come. The sea got a lot of attention but didn't come up with much
more than 2 Great Skuas and singles of Red-throated Diver,
Manx Shearwater, Balearic Shearwater and Little Gull
through off the Bill and a Common Scoter through at
Ferrybridge. The strength of the wind made for difficult birding on
the land although it did seem as though there was still very little
about: the thin scatter of migrants at the Bill included little of
note beyond singles of Merlin, Purple Sandpiper, Siskin
and Reed Bunting, whilst a Firecrest at Pennsylvania
Castle was the only worthwhile addition from elsewhere.

Skua - Ferrybridge, 19th October 2013 © Pete Saunders
19th October
continues to be well and truly in the doldrums, with little in the way
of numbers or quality today. The promise generated by a few extra thrushes
and the like at dawn soon evaporated as it became clear that there was
no general arrival of grounded migrants; visible passage did get going
for a while but only involved alba wagtails, Linnets and
Goldfinches in any numbers. The sea managed to salvage some
interest, with 3 Balearic Shearwaters and singles of Great
Crested Grebe, Grey Plover, Arctic Skua and Great
Skua of note off the Bill; elsewhere a Pomarine Skua passed
through at Ferrybridge.
low-key day, much in keeping with the last few, with migratory
activity remaining pretty subdued. Odds and ends of interest included
2 Black Brants (amongst the first four figure total of
Dark-bellied Brents of the autumn) at Ferrybridge, a Ring Ouzel
at Tout Quarry and singles of Hobby, Merlin, Woodlark,
Firecrest and Tree Sparrow at the Bill. With the full
moon no doubt a factor in there being far few grounded migrants about
than might be hoped in a south-easterly, it was left to passage
overhead to provide some recompense, with the likes of departing Skylarks,
alba wagtails and a variety of finches all quite well
represented through the morning.
Lark - Portland Bill, 17th October 2013 © Joe Stockwell Yet
another birding blog
...and another video
clip of it:
17th October
summer-like conditions returning yet again there was no excuse for not
getting out in the field although sadly, at least in the way of new
arrivals, it remained pretty quiet. Just as the Short-toed Lark
had entered its second week in residence at the Bill so reports came
through in the evening of it having been taken by a Merlin;
with nothing else of equal or better rarity about it was left to 3 Merlins,
2 Ring Ouzels, a Short-eared Owl and a Woodlark
to provide the next level of interest at the Bill. Although grounded
commoner migrants were very thinly spread there were some signs of an
improvement in overhead passage, with a short sample count at the Bill
coming up with 450 Linnets, 220 Goldfinches, 80 alba
wagtails and 11 Skylarks leaving to the south at the Bill.

Ruff and Woodlark - Portland Bill and Ferrybridge, 16th
October 2013 © Joe Stockwell Yet
another birding blog (Merlin & Woodlark) and Pete &
Debby Saunders (Ruff)
16th October
morning of bucketing rain and strong south-easterlies gave way to a
very mild and almost cloudless afternoon when the wind shifted into
the west and freshened still further. Although there was nothing in
any numbers the day's tally did include a fair bit of variety, with a Black
Brant and a Ruff at Ferrybridge, and a Woodlark and
the Short-toed Lark at the Bill being of particular note;
back-up migrants at the Bill included 3 Lapwings and singles of
Merlin, Short-eared Owl and Ring Ouzel at the
Bill. The sea was for the most part very disappointing, with 2 Great
Skuas, a Balearic Shearwater and a Shoveler easily
the best on offer at the Bill; a mixed flock of ducks high over
Ferrybridge included more than 30 Pintail, along with several Shoveler,
2 Wigeon and a Tufted Duck.

Darters - Portland Bill, 15th October 2013 © Ken Dolbear (top)
and Martin Cade (bottom)
15th October
weather but less than exciting birding with few signs of passage
really getting going beyond the appearance of a late pulse of Swallows
at the Bill. The Short-toed Lark was still about at the Bill
although seemed to getting more elusive/completely absent as time went
on, and the now expected crop of Yellow-browed Warblers
consisted of at least 2 at sites around Southwell. Scarcity interest
was otherwise rather limited and didn't get much beyond the level of 2
Ring Ouzels, a Merlin and a Firecrest at the
Bill, another Firecrest at Wakeham and singles of Balearic
Shearwater and Arctic Skua through off the Bill. The only
commoner migrants in any sort of quantity were Swallows
(including a good 500 or more through/lingering at the Bill), Pied
Wagtails, Meadow Pipits, Chiffchaffs, Linnets
and Chaffinches, all of which made three figure totals.
Red-veined Darter dragonflies were at the Bill during the
Rather quiet again today with it
seeming as though few migrants are getting through the unsettled
conditions affecting swathes of southern Britain. Although the Short-toed
Lark remained ensconced at the Bill there were relatively few new
arrivals on the ground, whilst visible passage overhead was more or
less a non-event. The Bill area came up with a few minor highlights
that included singles of Merlin, Short-eared Owl, Black
Redstart, Grasshopper Warbler, Yellow-browed Warbler
and Firecrest, whilst elsewhere there was a Ring Ouzel
at Suckthumb Quarry; additionally a lone Great Skua passed
through on the sea at the Bill.
A slightly disappointing day with a
good deal less being discovered than might have been hoped. The Short-toed
Lark remained at the Bill, whilst further interest came in the
form of Yellow-browed Warblers at the Obs and Southwell School,
a Long-tailed Duck in Portland Harbour, a Mistle Thrush
and a Firecrest at Penn's Weare and 2 Short-eared Owls,
a Dartford Warbler, a Firecrest and a presumed Twite
(heard and seen twice in flight but not pinned down) at the Bill.
Routine migrants included 100 Chiffchaffs at the Bill but
precious little in any quantity.

Lark and Yellow-browed Warbler - Portland Bill and Reap
Lane, 10th and 12th October 2013 © Brett Spencer Brett's
Goosey Ganderings
12th October
A day of weather contrasts - damp
and very windy at dawn but sunny and calm by mid-afternoon - saw the Short-toed
Lark remain at the Bill but, other than another flush of Yellow-browed
Warblers, only a rather limited array of new arrivals. The Yellow-browed
Warblers numbered at least 5 at sites around the centre of the
island, whilst other quality came in the form of 5 Ring Ouzels,
3 Barn Owls, 2 Short-eared Owls, 2 Lapland Buntings
and a Woodlark at the Bill and another 3 Ring Ouzels at
Southwell. Commoner migrants weren't particularly plentiful either on
the ground or overhead. A trickle of interest on the sea included 18 Brent
Geese and 2 Arctic Skuas through off the Bill.
Also today we received the sad news
of the death of Roger Isted; Roger was involved in a serious car
accident several weeks ago and died in hospital this afternoon.
Regular visitors to the Obs will chiefly remember Roger as a very
enthusiastic visiting ringer, but he actually had a wide range of
other natural history interests as well as possessing an unerring eye
for a good photo opportunity - his famous shot of a Muntjac deer
sneaking through the Lower Admiralty fence on a summer evening remains
unique in Portland terms:

We offer our sincere condolences to
Roger's family on their sad loss.

Ibis and Redwing - Portland Bill, 11th October 2013 ©
Martin Cade
...and the Southwell
Yellow-browed Warbler from a couple of days ago (© Pete Saunders):

11th October
Three good birds in three days - it
really is beginning to seem like a purple patch. Today's star rarity
was a Glossy Ibis that flew in off the sea at the Bill and
continued as far north as Southwell before about-turning and heading
away high to the south-west; in the light of increasingly frequent
autumn influxes into Britain Glossy Ibis had certainly been on the
cards as a likely addition to the Bill list (one that made a brief
visit to Ferrybridge in May 2008 consitutes the only previous record
for the island as a whole) but today's bird was nonetheless quite a
surprise on a day of blasting north-easterlies. The Short-toed Lark also
remained at the Bill (albeit tricky to catch up with since it
disappeared for several hours through the middle of the day) and a Yellow-browed
Warbler roamed about gardens at Southwell, whilst quite out of the
blue the Thrush Nightingale also reappeared when it turned up
in a net in the Obs garden. The rest of the day's interest came in the
form of a steady trickle of thrushes and other migrants arriving in
off the sea and heading away north, with 300 Redwings, 10 Snipe,
5 Fieldfares, 3 Redpolls, 2 Ring Ouzels, 2 Bramblings,
a Grey Heron, a Golden Plover and a Jack Snipe
being of particular note over the Bill.

Lark - Potland Bill, 10th October 2013 © Pete Saunders
...and a little video
clip of it:
10th October
A couple of decent birds on
consecutive days probably doesn't constitute a purple patch but, taken
in conjunction with a fair little back-up cast just lately - along
with a hatful of rare moths - things are certainly looking up. Today's
quality was provided by a Short-toed Lark (maybe surprisingly
only the 12th record for Portland) that showed for much of the day on
the footpath beside the Privet Hedge at the Bill. Once again, it
seemed to be a case of the rarity travelling alone, since commoner
migrants weren't at all well represented; 2 Merlins and singles
of Jack Snipe, Black Redstart and Lapland Bunting
were noteworthy at the Bill, where the 60 or so Redwings and
single Fieldfare that turned up late in the day represented no
more than insignificant crumbs swept from a veritable feast of thrush
passage observed across south-east England today.

Nightingale and Spoonbill - Portland Bill and Grove, 9th
October 2013 © Martin Cade
...and some more
close-up detail on the Thrush Nightingale:

The open wing shows the
critical details that make identification straightforward enough in
the hand: the 1st primary is tiny and falls well short of the tips of
the primary coverts (longer than them in Nightingale), the 2nd primary
is longer than the 4th primary (2nd shorter in Nightingale - often
level with 5th), the 3rd primary is the longest (4th often nearly as
long in Nightingale) and only the 3rd primary is emarginated (both the
3rd and 4th are emarginated in Nightingale).
9th October
Dawn captures of rarities in the
mist-nets are very unusual at Portland so today's Thrush
Nightingale at Culverwell which was caught as the sun was rising
was both unexpected and, since it was only the third island record
(and the first in autumn), very welcome; sadly it did the usual
nightingale thing of disappearing without trace upon release. Equally
sad was the lack of any real sign of routine passage picking up;
single Yellow-browed Warblers were at Culverwell, Southwell and
Portland Castle, whilst a Spoonbill flew north over the island
at dusk, but the likes of singles of Merlin and Ring Ouzel
at the Bill provided some of the only other interest amongst the
pretty paltry numbers of migrants both on the ground and overhead.

and Southern Oak Bush-cricket - Easton and Portland Bill,
8th October 2013 © Martin Cade (Chiffchaff) and Ken Dolbear (Southern
Oak Bush-cricket) the three years
since the first record in November 2010 Southern Oak Bush-crickets
have increased to the extent that they're now one of the most familiar
late autumn orthopterans at the Obs. Although their original origin
remains obscure (accidental transportation on a vehicle - perhaps from
the Bristol area - is thought to be a good possibility) there's no
doubt they're now well established and breeding has been proved with
the discovery of nymphs during both the last two summers.
8th October
Migration looks to have ground to a
halt again, with precious little grounded and, considering the
seemingly decent conditions, disappointingly little on the move
overhead. Single Yellow-browed Warblers popped up briefly at
both Weston and Easton but, singles of Merlin and Firecrest
at Southwell aside, there were few other reports worth mentioning.

Warbler - Portland Bill, 7th October 2013 © Martin Cade
...and click
here to listen to a short recording of it giving a burst of
7th October
Another - maybe the penultimate? -
unseasonably warm day brought little in the way of numbers and still
less by way of quality. A Yellow-browed Warbler trapped and
ringed at Culverwell soon after dawn was likely another new individual
to add to the burgeoning total of that species, but the only other
sightings of particular note concerned fly-over singles of Crossbill
and Lapland Bunting at the Bill. The less said about commoner
migrants the better: there was a light scatter of routine fare
everywhere, including singles of Golden Plover and Firecrest
at the Bill, but considerably less both on the ground and overhead
than might be hoped in early October. A single passing Balearic
Shearwater was the only seabird of note at the Bill.

Warbler - Portland Bill, 6th October 2013 © Joe Stockwell Yet
another birding blog
6th October
In almost astoundingly pleasant,
summer-like conditions for early October there was little chance of a
fall of grounded migrants - although Chiffchaffs still managed
to be numerous in every bit of cover - but the inexorable southward
trickle of Yellow-browed Warblers continued, with 4 on show
around the island (at the Obs, Southwell School, Verne Common and
Portland Castle). Chiffchaffs aside, grounded migrants were
conspicuously less numerous than yesterday, with oddities consisting
of little more than a Short-eared Owl and a Firecrest at
the Bill and a Lapland Bunting at Reap Lane. Given the
conditions it was perhaps most likely that diurnal passage was taking
place at great height, in any event it certainly wasn't a feature that
attracted much attention. A resurgence in Balearic Shearwaters
saw 43 pass through off the Bill.
With anticyclonic conditions
setting in there looked to be plenty of opportunity for migrants to
get moving again and numbers on the ground improved no end. The day's
rarities included Yellow-browed Warblers at Southwell School,
Penn's Weare and the Obs and singles of Woodlark, Richard's
Pipit and Tree Sparrow over the Bill. However it was really
a day of numbers of common migrants, with Meadow Pipits and Chiffchaffs
in particular in quantity everywhere, with sample counts from the Bill
of 1000 Meadow Pipits and 250 Chiffchaffs.
Disappointingly, after such a busy
start, this week fizzled out with barely a whimper: a Quail was
a nice early surprise in Top Fields but common migrant numbers fell
still further. With the breeze having shifted into the west for the
first time in a while it was only the relative shelter of the trees
around the middle of the island that held grounded migrants in any
quantity, and there only Blackcaps, Chiffchaffs and Spotted
Flycatchers were at all well represented; single Merlins at
the Bill and Suckthumb Quarry were the only minor highlights. Overhead
passage was dominated by departing Linnets, with more than 500
leaving from the Bill during the morning. A lone Arctic Skua
passing the Bill constituted the only seabird of note.

very obliging Tree Pipit - Tillycombe, 3rd October 2013 © Joe
Stockwell Yet
another birding blog
3rd October
Although there was a short spell of
heavy rain during the morning the conditions were not nearly as grim
as had been anticipated, indeed by mid-afternoon it was feeling
positively balmy once the wind dropped and the sun broke through. The
one grim aspect of the day was the quality of the birding, with
precious little evidence of any worthwhile arrival of migrants beyond
2 Firecrests at the Obs, a Black Redstart at
Barleycrates Lane and a conspicuous increase in Whitethroats;
singles of Turtle Dove at Southwell and Merlin at the
Bill may or may not have been lingerers. The sea remained very quiet,
with just 5 Balearic Shearwaters, 2 Arctic Skuas and a Great
Skua through off the Bill.

- Portland Bill, 2nd October 2013 © Tony Hovell The
Travelling Naturalist
...and this afternoon we
made a couple of trips to Tillycombe to try to get to grips with an
extremely furtive pipit that had been giving its finder the run-around
- eventually it gave itself up and could be confirmed as 'just' a Tree
2nd October
After a wet night that many
migrants probably sat out rather than venture southward there was a
further decline in numbers on the ground, although the clearer hours
immediately after dawn did see a decent amount of diurnal passage get
going. Meadow Pipits, Wheatears, Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs
made up the bulk of the numbers on the ground, with the warblers being
concentrated in good quantity around the sheltered centre and north of
the island; quality didn't get much beyond the level of the likes of 2
Turtle Doves, a Merlin and a Water Rail at the
Bill, another 2 Turtle Doves at Barleycrates Lane and 2 Balearic
Shearwaters and 2 Arctic Skuas through on the sea at the
Bill. Elsewhere, the customary rapid build-up in Brent Goose
numbers saw totals of 230 Dark-bellieds and a single Pale-bellied
logged at Ferrybridge.

Turtle Dove,
Spotted Flycatcher and Yellow-browed Warbler - Southwell
and Portland Bill, 1st October 2013 © Pete Saunders (Turtle Dove and
Spot Fly) and Joe Stockwell Yet
another birding blog (Y-b Warbler)
Although numbers on the ground were
somewhat reduced and there was conspicuously less on the move overhead
today carried on in much the same vein as yesterday, with plenty to
see throughout the island. The favoured spots of cover again held
plenty of departing common migrants, for example Wakeham alone held
110 Blackcaps and 60 Chiffchaffs, but it was very much
routine fare that dominated, with single Yellow-browed Warblers
at the Obs and Avalanche Church the only rarities to put in an
appearance; among the infrequent migrants a Turtle Dove
remained at Southwell and 2 Hobbys and at least 1 Merlin
made the tally.