Yellow-browed Warbler (....elusive!)
- Wakeham, October 31st 2004 © Martin Cade |
31st |
Heavily overcast skies and a light easterly breeze
delivered a whopping arrival of thrushes today. Birds were on the
move until late in the afternoon and with few birds lingering and
movement taking place on a broad front it was difficult to estimate
numbers beyond a conservative estimate of 3000 Redwings, 2000
Blackbirds, 1000 Song Thrushes, 200 Fieldfares,
15 Mistle Thrushes and 4 Ring Ouzels passing through
the southern half of the island; grounded migrants in the same area
included 100 Robins, 100 Blackcaps, 100 Goldcrests,
60 Chiffchaffs, 20 Black Redstarts, 20 Firecrests,
10 Woodcock, 4 Dartford Warblers and 2 Short-eared
Owls. The north of the island provided at least another 10 Black
Redstarts and 5 Ring Ouzels. Rarity-wise there was surprisingly little on offer
although a Yellow-browed Warbler was found near the Mermaid
pub at Wakeham, a Snow Bunting was settled at Shepherds
Dinner and a Lapland Bunting flew over at Reforne. There was also an interesting array of late migrants
including a Sandwich Tern in Portland Harbour and a Whinchat,
a Redstart (seemingly showing some characteristics of the
eastern form samamisicus), a Reed Warbler and a Garden
Warbler at the Bill. Once again very little attention was paid
to the sea although at least 1 Velvet Scoter was still
lingering off the Bill. |
Woodcock - Portland Bill, October
30th 2004 © Martin Cade |
30th |
In view of recent events nationally a Pallid
Swift had seemed on the cards for some while but that didn't
detract from the excitement of news being received of one being seen flying north at Reap
Lane soon after dawn; within an hour the same or perhaps even more
likely another individual that looked as though it had just arrived
in off the sea was watched flying north up the Slopes at the Bill
whilst later in the morning there was a third sighting of a bird
leaving to the south from Cheyne Weare. With the wind and rain of
recent days having finally given way to clear skies and warm
sunshine there was plenty of movement overhead throughout the day.
Pick of the fly-overs around the southern half of the island
included at least 7 Woodlarks (with another individual
settled for a while at Wakeham), 5 Mistle Thrushes, 4
presumed Pink-footed Geese, a Richard's
Pipit, a Snow Bunting and a Lapland Bunting. On
the ground only Goldcrests and thrushes were present
in any real numbers but quality included around 30 Black
Redstarts, 10 Firecrests, 4 Woodcocks, 3 Merlins,
2 Short-eared and a Long-eared Owl. With so much
interest in the sky and on the ground precious little attention was
given to the sea, where the only noteworthy report was of 2 Velvet
Scoter lingering off the Bill. |
Pallas's Warbler - Pennsylvania
Castle, October 29th 2004 © Martin Cade |
29th |
A surprise flurry of Pallas's
Warblers provided today's highlight and came despite continuing
inclement weather conditions: a rather mobile and elusive individual
frequented the Pennsylvania Castle area during the afternoon whilst
late in the day two birds were found at Delhi Lane, Easton.
Elsewhere the 'eastern' Lesser Whitethroat remained at
Barleycrates Lane, a Woodcock, a Redstart and a Pied
Flycatcher were at Old Hill, a Merlin and a Short-eared
Owl were at the Bill and a few Black Redstarts and Firecrests
were scattered around the island. As many as 50 Little Gulls
lingered or passed through at Chesil Cove and several Common,
Arctic and Sandwich Terns remained at Portland Harbour/Ferrybridge.
Aside from the storm-driven birds there was precious little movement
at sea, with the Bill producing just 40 Common and 3 Velvet
Scoter, 3 Red-breasted Mergansers, 2 Arctic Skuas,
a Black-throated Diver, a Fulmar and a Teal. |

Pale-bellied Brent Goose, Little
Gull, Common Tern and Arctic Skua - Ferrybridge and Portland
Harbour, October 28th 2004 © Martin Cade |
28th |
Whilst the weather remained extremely
unsettled the wind dropped away noticeably for much of the morning
and allowed most of the island to be covered quite well. The legacy
of yesterday's stormy conditions included a good scatter of
lingering Little
Gulls, particularly at Chesil Cove, as well as 3 Common Terns,
3 Arctic Terns and an Arctic Skua lingering in Portland Harbour,
40 Pintail and a Little Auk past Chesil Cove and a Black-throated Diver,
a Teal and a Great Skua past the Bill. On the land
there were reasonable numbers of new thrushes and Robins
everywhere, a small arrival of Black Redstarts included 3 at
Chesil Cove and at least 6 Firecrests were scattered around
the sheltered spots in the south of the island; a Reed Warbler
was a good late record at the Bill whilst a Lesser Whitethroat
at Barleycrates Lane was another individual of this species showing
characteristics of one of the eastern forms. Elsewhere a Pale-bellied
Brent Goose joined the Dark-bellied Brents at Ferrybridge. |
27th |
Yesterday's interlude of fairer weather
proved to be short-lived, with a howling easterly gale having set in
overnight and heavy rain reaching the island by midday. The land was
all but unbirdable, with the only reports being of 4 Firecrests,
a Short-eared Owl and a Black Redstart at the Bill and
2 more Firecrests at Portland Castle; the trickle of overhead
passage included 100 Starlings, a few thrushes and 2 Lapwings
at the Bill. Seawatching produced just 25 Common Scoter, 6 Grey
Plover, 2 Brent Geese, a Fulmar, a Red-breasted
Merganser and an Arctic Skua passing the Bill and a Little
Gull lingering in Chesil Cove. |

Pallas's Warbler and 'eastern' Lesser
Whitethroat (including wing-tip and tail detail) - Portland Bill, October 26th 2004 © Martin Cade |
26th |
The return of fair weather gave plenty of
opportunity for birders to scour the island and there was a long
and varied list to show for all the effort. Highlights included
a Pallas's Warbler at Culverwell during the afternoon,
fly-over Richard's Pipit, Woodlark and Lapland
Bunting at the Bill, a Grey Phalarope settled in Chesil
Cove early in the morning, a Kingfisher briefly at the Obs
and a Lesser Whitethroat showing characteristics of one of
the eastern forms trapped and ringed there and in the evening a Barn
Owl seen near the windmills at Easton. Grounded migrants were
not plentiful but did include several Black Redstarts and Firecrests
at the Bill. Overhead passage was much more conspicuous and included
plenty of Skylarks, Meadow Pipits, and finches still
on the move over the Bill along with 250 Wood Pigeons, 80 Jackdaws
and 25 Reed Buntings also passing over there. Sea passage
largely petered out, although up to 7 Little Gulls were still
lingering in Chesil Cove and a Mediterranean Gull passed
through off the Bill. |

Arctic Tern - Portland Harbour, October
25th 2004 © Martin Cade |
25th |
A peculiar selection of sightings today including
some good island rarities. A Marsh Tit reported briefly at
Culverwell was the highlight (there are only two previous Portland
records) but a Little Auk at Chesil Cove and a Moorhen
at Avalanche Road were also both quality local records. With
grounded migrants still at a premium it was left to overhead passage
and seawatching to provide interest. Finches were on the move
most of the day, with sample counts of 735 Linnets and 353 Goldfinches
flying south at the Bill in 90 minutes during the morning. There was
precious little moving on the sea, with just 12 Little Gulls,
a Great Skua, an Arctic Skua and an Arctic Tern
passing the Bill, but storm-driven Little Gulls were again a
feature, with up to 24 lingering in Chesil Cove; another Little
Gull and several Common, Arctic and Sandwich
Terns were also lingering in Portland Harbour. The pick of the
birds on the land were 5 Firecrests in the Obs garden and
several sightings of Merlins at Chesil Cove and the Bill. |
24th |
What gradual improvement in the weather
there was seemed to have come too late in the night to allow many
migrants to get moving, and other than fair numbers of Blackcaps,
Chiffchaffs and Goldcrests in the sheltered spots
around the centre of the island there was not too much to see in the
way of grounded birds; 7 Firecrests, a couple of Black
Redstarts and a Merlin were the only scarcer species
reported although a late Willow Warbler at Pennsylvania
Castle was also noteworthy. With the wind having eased down most of
yesterday's Little Gulls had made their way back out to sea
with just 15 remaining in Portland Harbour/Chesil Cove early in the
morning; 3 Sandwich Terns and a Mediterranean Gull
also remained at Ferrybridge. Sea passage off the Bill was
restricted to 10 Common Scoter, 4 Little Gulls, 2 Storm
Petrels, a Manx Shearwater, a Little Egret and a Great
Skua passing during the first couple of hours of the day. |
23rd |
Another very stormy and wet day. Most of what
little movement there was on the sea occurred off the Bill where 6 Great
and 2 Arctic Skuas, 4 Storm Petrels, 2 Sooty Shearwaters
and 2 Little Gulls passed through and 15 Common Scoter
and a Great Northern Diver were settled offshore. Elsewhere
there were counts of 45 and 21 storm-driven Little Gulls
lingering in Portland Harbour and Chesil Cove respectively, whilst
there were also several Common, Arctic and Sandwich
Terns lingering in Portland Harbour. The only birds of note on
the land were a fly-over Lapland Bunting at Avalanche Road
and 2 Firecrests, a Merlin, a Short-eared Owl and a Black Redstart at
the Bill. |

Little Gull - Ferrybridge, October
22nd 2004 © Martin Cade |
22nd |
Seawatching was just about the only worthwhile
birding on the island in continuing very windy weather. Watches from the Bill
produced 18 Great, 8 Arctic and a Long-tailed Skua,
15 Little Gulls, 2 Manx Shearwaters and a Great
Northern Diver; a brief look at Chesil Cove early in the morning
provided another 4 Little Gulls and a Red-throated Diver.
Elsewhere, 4 Common Terns, a Little Gull and a Mediterranean
Gull were at Ferrybridge, 3 Firecrests, a Merlin
and a Black Redstart remained at the Bill and 2 Firecrests
were at Tilleycombe. |
21st |
A blasting westerly wind dominated proceedings
today, making birding on the land very difficult but at the same
time producing some interest on the sea. A few flocks of Linnets
were still on the move overhead but on the ground it was very much
quieter than during the last couple of days. The Pallas's Warbler
was still at Avalanche Road early in the morning although it later
flew off over some nearby houses and couldn't be relocated; a
handful of Firecrests were also still around in the few
sheltered spots in the south of the island. Wakeham provided the
only quality new arrivals, with a Yellow-browed Warbler in
trees opposite the Mermaid pub and a fly-over Woodlark at the
same spot. Seawatching at the Bill produced 27 Little Gulls,
3 Great, 2 Arctic and a Long-tailed Skua, a Red-throated
Diver, a Sooty Shearwater and a Red-breasted Merganser,
whilst Chesil Cove provided 25 Little Gulls, an Arctic
Tern and a Sandwich Tern. |
Spotted Flycatcher - Portland Bill, October
20th 2004 © Martin Cade |
20th |
Higher temperatures, overcast skies and another
pulse of pre-dawn rain produced bags more common migrants but
unfortunately the rarity that had looked so on the cards at dawn
failed to materialize. Yesterday's Pallas's Warbler remained
at Avalanche Road but nothing better than a couple of Dartford
Warblers and a scatter of Black Redstarts, Ring Ouzels
and Firecrests could be found amongst the new arrivals. Robins
and thrushes dominated the tally of common migrants, with
more than 150 Robins grounded at the Bill and overflying Redwings,
Song Thrushes and Blackbirds each numbering in the
hundreds. Among the variety of other common migrants there was again
a good selection of late records, with 5 Whinchats, 4 Redstarts,
2 Yellow Wagtails, 2 Whitethroats, 2 Reed Warblers
and a Spotted Flycatcher dotted around the south of the
island. The sea again provided some interest, with 31 Little
Gulls, 4 Great Skuas, 2 Teal and a Black-throated
Diver passing through off the Bill. |
Pallas's Warbler - Avalanche Road, October
19th 2004 © Martin Cade |
19th |
Promising-looking weather conditions, with heavy
rain having arrived from the south late in the night, dropped a good
selection of common migrants around the Bill area in particular,
whilst late in the afternoon the first Pallas's Warbler of
the autumn was found at the island hot-spot for the species at Avalanche
Road, Southwell. Scarcer migrants were not numerous but did include
6 Firecrests at the Bill and another 2 or 3 at other sites, a
Merlin, a Short-eared Owl, a Black Redstart and
an overflying Snow Bunting at the Bill and a Ring Ouzel
and a Mistle Thrush at Weston. Robins were
particularly conspicuous everywhere and numbered at least 75 at the
Bill, whilst the good scatter of other common migrants included late
records of 2 Garden Warbler and a Willow Warbler at
the Bill and a Yellow Wagtail and a Lesser Whitethroat
at Weston. Once the rain had cleared through there was a good
movement of birds on the sea, with 19 Little Gulls, 10 Great
and 3 Arctic Skuas, a Red-throated Diver, a Manx
Shearwater and a late Fulmar passing through off the
Bill. Elsewhere the wintering flock of Brent Geese at
Ferrybridge increased to 480. |
18th |
What breeze there was remained in the north-west and
it was more of the same on the bird front. The best on offer at the
Bill were 3 Ring Ouzels, 2 Firecrests, a Merlin,
a late Whimbrel, a Black Redstart and a fly-over Lapland
Bunting, whilst commoner migrants there included just small
numbers of Chiffchaffs and Goldcrests as well as an
influx of new Blue and Great Tits. Elsewhere a Hobby
was a good late record at Penn's Weare. Most of the routine
passage was of migrants passing overhead, with a sample one hour
count at the Bill producing totals of 419 Linnets, 86 Goldfinches,
85 Meadow Pipits, 77 alba wagtails, 48 Skylarks,
22 Chaffinches, 19 Swallows, 3 Reed Buntings, 2
Siskins and a Redpoll. |
17th |
With there having been hardly any change in the
weather there were no high expectations for the birding today. A Wryneck
that showed up for a short while around the beach hut fields beside
the Obs during the morning was the bird of the day and may have been
the individual seen equally briefly there a couple of days ago.
Otherwise the best of the scarcer migrants were a Ring Ouzel
and a Brambling at Verne Common, 2 Black Redstarts, a Mistle
Thrush and a Brambling at Weston, a late Lesser
Whitethroat at Reap Lane and 3 Firecrests, a Short-eared
Owl, a Black Redstart and a Brambling at the Bill.
Common migrants included small numbers of grounded Chiffchaffs
and Goldcrests everywhere and a fair movement of a variety of
wagtails, pipits and finches overhead. Three Brent
Geese passing the Bill were the only worthwhile sightings on the
sea. |
Reed Bunting - Portland Bill, October
16th 2004 © Martin Cade |
16th |
With one notable exception it was just typical October fare
again today, with 5 Firecrests, a Short-eared Owl, a Black Redstart and a Ring Ouzel the only
particularly noteworthy grounded scarcer migrants at the Bill; the
one unexpected highlight was a Surf Scoter that passed
through off the Bill with a small flock of Common Scoter
during the evening. Although it was
pretty quiet on the ground there were still fair numbers of birds on
the move overhead, with 445 Linnets, 157 alba wagtails,
143 Meadow Pipits, 70 Goldfinches, 54 Chaffinches,
31 Skylarks and 15 Reed Buntings over the Bill during
a 75 minute sample count in the morning. |
15th |
The quietest day of the week so far in
terms of both numbers and variety, with the stiff north-westerly
wind living up to its reputation for being the least productive wind
direction at Portland. Ring Ouzels were reduced to just 3 at
East Weare and 1 at Avalanche Church, whilst Firecrests
numbered 6 between Southwell and the Bill; 2 Black Redstarts
were at Reap Lane and 2 Black-tailed Godwits at Ferrybridge,
but the only other unusual sighting was of a Pheasant at
Culverwell (news was also received of another individual seen
earlier in the week at Easton). Fair numbers of birds were on the
move overhead, with a sample hour-long count at the Bill providing
totals including 305 Linnets, 120 Meadow Pipits, 113 Goldfinches,
99 alba wagtails and 59 Chaffinches, but on the ground
there were only smallish numbers of thrushes, Chiffchaffs
and Goldcrests scattered around. Late common migrants
included 2 Whinchats at Barleycrates Lane and a Willow
Warbler at Pennsylvania Castle. The only noteworthy sea passage
was of 15 Wigeon, a Great Northern Diver and a Brent
Goose off the Bill. |
Wryneck - Portland Bill, October
14th 2004 © Martin Cade |
14th |
Breezy north-westerly conditions
didn't look too promising at the start of the day but there were
reasonable numbers of typical October common migrants on show and a
few scarcities were found as the day went on. A late Wryneck
was a surprise new arrival around the edges of the Obs garden at
midday, although it seemed quite restless and wasn't thought to have
lingered; at least 9 Ring Ouzels, 6 Firecrests and 3 Dartford
Warblers were also still scattered around the island. The
Pennsylvania Castle area was particularly busy with Blackcaps,
Chiffchaffs and Goldcrests, as well as attracting 11 Siskins,
whilst there were smaller numbers of the same species elsewhere. Meadow
Pipits, alba wagtails, thrushes and finches
trickled overhead all morning, with 12 Reed Buntings also
passing through at the Bill. |
Yellow-browed Warbler - Tilleycombe, October
13th 2004 © Martin Cade |
13th |
A big clear-out of yesterday's birds
unfortunately made for
disappointing visits for the day-trippers who arrived hoping to dip
in on some of the action. There had been some early promise in
the form of a good arrival of new Chiffchaffs and Goldcrests
around the south of the island at dawn but these largely filtered
away during an otherwise very wet morning and the best that was left
for much of the afternoon were 9 or more Ring Ouzels and half
a dozen Firecrests dotted about the island, a couple of Merlins,
a Short-eared Owl, a Black Redstart and a Mistle
Thrush at the Bill and another Black Redstart at Reap
Lane. The highlight of the day wasn't found until the end of the
afternoon when the first Yellow-browed Warbler of the autumn
showed up at Tilleycombe. The sea had also shown a little early
promise in strong southerlies at dawn, with 6 Great Skuas, an
Arctic Skua and a Balearic Shearwater passing through
off the Bill but interest ground to a halt as the wind abated and
veered into the north-west during the afternoon. |

Snow Bunting, Bluethroat and
Short-eared Owl - Portland Bill, October 12th 2004 © Martin Cade |
12th |
Plenty to see today in drab, drizzly
and unpleasantly cold northerlies that dropped a reasonable arrival
of common migrants and a few scarcer highlights. The best of the
scarcities were a Stone Curlew seen in flight a couple of
times at the Bill and then later at Weston, a Snow Bunting
that showed well near the Bill lighthouse, a very confiding Bluethroat
found in the afternoon in the Bill Quarry, a brief reappearance of
the Weston Rose-coloured Starling, perhaps as many as 6 Short-eared
Owls at the Bill, a dozen or more Ring Ouzels scattered
around the island, 3 Dartford Warblers at the Bill, regular
sightings of single Merlins at the Bill and a scatter of Firecrests
everywhere. Thrushes were again on the move in fair numbers
and all the sheltered spots held good quantities of Blackcaps,
Chiffchaffs and Goldcrests; late common migrants
included several Redstarts and Whinchats, a Turtle
Dove, a Reed Warbler, a Garden Warbler and a Willow
Warbler scattered around the south of the island. |
11th |
Another day of promising-looking
strong easterlies that for the umpteenth day failed to produce the
expected rarity. There was again plenty of movement overhead, with Skylarks,
alba wagtails, Meadow Pipits, Starlings and a
variety of thrushes and finches dominating at the
Bill. The best of the grounded birds were a total of 10 Ring
Ouzels of which 8 were in the Priory Corner/Tout Quarry area, 5 Firecrests,
2 Dartford Warblers and a Short-eared Owl at the Bill
and a Hobby and the first Black Redstart of the autumn
at Weston. The sea continued to produced some limited wildfowl
movement including 20 Wigeon and a Pintail passing the
Bill, where 2 Storm Petrels and a Mediterranean Gull
also passed by. Finally, some late news for yesterday from the Grove
where a Rose-coloured Starling was seen amongst a pre-roost
gathering of Starlings in the evening. |
Arctic Skua - Portland Bill, October
10th 2004 © Martin Cade |
10th |
The blasting east wind had hardly
eased at all which again made for really difficult birding on the
land. However the sea produced plenty of interest and the species
list for the day as a whole was long and varied. In drizzly weather
overnight thrushes had been on the move overhead in quantity
and daybreak saw quite a few still passing through; 600 Starlings
and 23 Lapwings were the pick of the other overhead passage
at the Bill. Grounded migrants included small numbers of expected
October common migrants, along with 4 Firecrests around
Southwell, single Ring Ouzels at the Bill, Southwell Farm and
Suckthumb Quarry and a Turtle Dove at the Bill. Seawatching
at the Bill produced 91 Common Scoter, 34 Dunlin, 13 Brent
Geese, 12 Arctic and 4 Great Skuas (including an Arctic
Skua that settled for a while on the Bill Common and the
Slopes), a Little Gull and a good variety of other wildfowl
and waders. A flock of 15 Mute Swans was a good record at
Chesil Cove, whilst Ferrybridge provided plenty of birds including a
fly-over Osprey and a Little Stint. |
9th |
strengthening east wind made the land all but unbirdable for much of
the day and most attention was paid to the wealth of passage overhead
and the trickle of birds passing on the sea. A two hour sample count
on the West Cliffs early in the morning produced totals of 1620 House
Martins, 560 Meadow Pipits, 453 Swallows, 230 alba
wagtails, 125 Linnets, 33 Skylarks, 10 Song
Thrushes, 6 Redwings, 5 Wheatears, 1 Sparrowhawk,
1 Merlin, 1 Hobby, 1 Lapwing and 1 Mistle
Thrush flying north, with more of the same on the move everywhere
for much of the day; additional species overhead elsewhere included 75
Starlings, 50 Chaffinches and 2 Snipe at the Bill
and single Fieldfares at the Bill and Tout Quarry. The only
noteworthy sightings on the land were of a Ring Ouzel at Church
Ope Cove and a Firecrest at Culverwell. The few birds passing
through on the sea at the Bill included 38 Common Scoter, 13 Brent
Geese, a Wigeon and single Arctic and Great Skuas.
A single Little Stint was reported at Ferrybridge, where the
long-staying Knot was still present. |
Warbler - Portland Bill, October 8th 2004 © Martin Cade
8th |
no sign of a good autumn rarity but otherwise a pretty typical early
October day. Oddities included 3 Dartford Warblers and a Woodcock
at the Bill, single Ring Ouzels at the Bill, Southwell and
Suckthumb Quarry and a Hobby at Southwell. Small numbers of Blackcaps,
Chiffchaffs and Goldcrests were present in all the
suitable sites, although Meadow Pipit was by far the most
conspicuous common migrant, with many hundreds grounded throughout the
island. Other migrants included 16 Wheatears and a Tree
Pipit at the Bill, 4 Redwings and 2 Whinchats at
Barleycrates Lane and 3 Yellow Wagtails still at Weston.
Overhead there were plenty of birds on the move all morning, with a
two hour sample count at the Bill providing totals of 560 Meadow
Pipits, 259 alba wagtails, 177 Linnets, 87 Chaffinches,
42 Greenfinches, 32 Swallows, 27 Skylarks, a Golden
Plover, a Grey Wagtail and a Siskin. |
Common Buzzard
- Southwell, October 7th 2004 © Martin Cade
7th |
birds remained at a premium despite much improved weather conditions.
A Dartford Warbler was certainly a new arrival at Cheyne Weare,
two Common Buzzards over the Bill and Southwell appeared to be
different individuals to those that had been present around the island
earlier in the year and 10 Long-tailed Tits at Southwell had
wandered well away from their usual haunts; however, many of the other
grounded migrants - including a Ring Ouzel at Avalanche Road
and a Firecrest at the Obs - seemed to be lingering on from
previous days. The clear skies encouraged plenty of birds to get
moving overhead, with a 75 minute count at the Bill early in the
morning producing totals of 380 Linnets, 356 Meadow Pipits,
139 alba wagtails, 127 Goldfinches, 62 Chaffinches,
43 Swallows, 41 Skylarks, 12 Greenfinches, 2 Reed
Buntings and a Grey Wagtail flying south; 4 Siskins,
2 Grey Herons, a Merlin and a Snipe also passed
overhead there at other times. |
6th |
an unpleasantly strong westerly wind making birding very difficult on
the land overhead passage received plenty of attention during the
morning. The highlight was a Lapland Bunting passing through at
Cheyne Weare, whilst 90 minute sample counts of commoner migrants
included 618 Linnets, 520 Meadow Pipits, 309 alba
wagtails, 147 Goldfinches, 66 Swallows, 44 Skylarks,
11 Greenfinches, 7 Chaffinches, 6 Golden Plover
and 2 Siskins south at the Bill, and 298 Meadow Pipits,
285 alba wagtails, 261 Linnets, 51 Goldfinches,
51 Swallows, 12 House Martins, a Golden Plover
and a Grey Wagtail south at Cheyne Weare. Grounded Pied
Wagtails remained very conspicuous and included a total of 270 on
the school playing field beside Weston Road, but the only other
noteworthy sightings on the land were of 3 Yellow Wagtails at
Weston and a Merlin and a Firecrest at the Bill. |
Starling and Yellow Wagtail - Weston, October 5th 2004 ©
Martin Cade
5th |
arrivals were distinctly thin on the ground today, with grounded Pied
Wagtails and Meadow Pipits the only migrants that were at
all conspicuous. The Rose-coloured Starling at Weston was still
present but only gave itself up twice - and then only briefly each
time - all day, whilst late-ish common migrants included 5 Yellow
Wagtails at Weston, a Tree Pipit at Suckthumb Quarry, a Willow
Warbler at Perryfields, a Spotted Flycatcher at
Fortuneswell and a Turtle Dove at the Bill. The sea couldn't
chip in with anything better than 2 Common Scoter, a Balearic
Shearwater and an Arctic Skua off the Bill. |
Knot -
Ferrybridge, October 4th 2004 © Vaughan Ashby Birdfinders
4th |
stormy and wet weather of the night continued for the first part of
the morning when 14 Common Scoter, 7 Great and 2 Arctic
Skuas, a Red-throated Diver and an Arctic Tern
passed through off the Bill and 4 Great and an Arctic Skua
passed Chesil Cove. However, the sea saved the best until later when,
just as the weather improved late in the morning, a Slender-billed
Gull appeared off the Bill and after several apparent attempts to
fly west eventually settled and drifted away to the east; later
searches for it drew a blank. Last week's Rose-coloured Starling
was found again at Weston but it remained frustratingly elusive, and
otherwise the best on offer on the land were small numbers of Chiffchaffs
and Goldcrests everywhere and 2 Yellow Wagtails, a Whinchat,
a Garden Warbler and a Spotted Flycatcher at Weston.
Waders at Ferrybridge included the long-staying Knot. |
3rd |
the promised wind and rain holding off until the afternoon there was
plenty of time to discover that it was disappointingly quiet on the
migrant front. Overhead there were again fair numbers of birds on the
move, with a sample one hour count at the Bill providing totals of 435
Linnets, 290 Meadow Pipits, 82 alba wagtails and
65 Swallows leaving to the south early in the morning, but on
the ground there was nothing better among the small numbers of
expected migrants than a Redwing and a Firecrest at the
Bill. The best the sea could offer was 26 Common Scoter, 7 Arctic
and 1 Great Skua and a single Wigeon passing the Bill.
Ferrybridge produced 135 Ringed Plover, 90 Dunlin, 2 Common
Terns, a Merlin and a Knot. |
Whydah and Sabine's Gull - Southwell and Chesil Cove,
October 2nd 2004 © Martin Cade
2nd |
wet and windy start to the day looked likely to provide some interest
on the sea, but in the event the only birds of note passing through
off the Bill were 15 Common Scoter, 2 Arctic Skuas and a
Great Skua. Fortunately Chesil Cove again saved the day with a Sabine's
Gull that appeared close inshore several times before flying off
high to the east over Fortuneswell. The weather spoilt any serious
attempts at birding on the land, although oddities found included a Hobby,
a Knot and a Short-eared Owl at the Bill and a Pin-tailed
Whydah visiting a garden bird-feeder at Southwell |
Pied Wagtail -
Southwell, October 1st 2004 © Martin Cade
1st |
of typical early October birds today, with a reasonable scatter of
grounded migrants and lots of visible passage. At the Bill the
highlights were 2 Short-eared Owls, the first Redwing of
the autumn and a Grasshopper Warbler, whilst elsewhere a Ring
Ouzel was at Avalanche Road. Grounded Meadow Pipits and
Pied Wagtails were conspicuous everywhere, with suitable cover
holding plenty of Blackcaps, Chiffchaffs and Goldcrests;
there were also signs of the first decent numbers of migrant Stonechats,
thrushes and Reed Buntings putting in an appearance.
Very good numbers of birds were on the move overhead, with a 75 minute
sample count at the Bill in the morning producing totals including 370
Meadow Pipits, 360 Linnets and 215 alba wagtails.
Seawatching at the Bill produced 104 Common Scoter, 2 Arctic
and a Great Skua, and single Wigeon and Teal. |