31st |
so much to see today, with 40 Willow Warblers, 25 Sand
Martins, 19 Wheatears, 8 Sedge Warblers, 2 Grasshopper
Warblers, 2 Reed Warblers, 1 Dunlin, 1 Whimbrel
and 1 Garden Warbler at the Bill, where the sea produced just
2 Common Scoter, 1 Manx Shearwater and 1 Arctic
Skua. |
30th |
surprisingly bearing in mind the crystal clear skies at dawn the
island played host to the best flurry of migrants so far this
autumn, with 120 Willow Warblers, 20 Sedge Warblers, 5
Wheatears, 2 Grasshopper Warblers, 2 Reed Warblers,
a Whimbrel and a Garden Warbler counted in the Bill
area alone. Seawatching came up with nothing better than 17 Common
Scoter and a Great Skua passing the Bill, whilst 5 Sanderling
were among the commoner waders at Ferrybridge. |
29th |
Bird of the day today was a Honey
Buzzard that showed up twice in the early afternoon over Verne
Common. Both land and sea were otherwise pretty quiet, with 20 Willow
Warblers, 8 Sedge Warblers, 4 Wheatears and 2 Reed
Warblers in the Bill area, 15 Common Scoter, 2 Sandwich
Terns and a Black-headed Gull passing through on the sea
there and 140 Dunlin, 4 Sanderling and 2 Green
Sandpipers at Ferrybridge. |
28th |
Quieter on the land today, with just
25 Willow Warblers, 7 Wheatears, 2 Sedge Warblers,
a Grey Heron and a Greenshank at the Bill, where
seawatching produced 49 Common Scoter, 4 Great Skuas,
a Balearic Shearwater and a Whimbrel. |

Mediterranean Gull, Willow
Warbler and Little Stint - Ferrybridge and Portland Bill, July
27th 2004 ©
Martin Cade |
27th |
Similar to recent days at the Bill,
where there were 40 Sand Martins, 40 Willow Warblers,
7 Sedge Warblers, 6 Wheatears, 3 Common Sandpipers,
a Curlew, a Ringed Plover and a Garden Warbler
on the land and 30 Common Scoter, 9 commic terns, 2 Whimbrel,
a Balearic Shearwater, a Great Skua and a Sandwich
Tern on the sea. Ferrybridge provided 7 Sanderling, 1 Little
Stint and a Mediterranean Gull along with good numbers of
Dunlin and Ringed Plover. |
26th |
Better coverage of the Bill area saw 40 Willow
Warblers, 2 Sedge Warblers, a Ringed Plover, a Wheatear
and a Grasshopper Warbler logged on the land and 5 Common
Scoter, 3 Whimbrel, 3 Black-headed Gulls, a Balearic
Shearwater, a Little Egret, an Arctic Skua and a Mediterranean
Gull seen during morning seawatches. Elsewhere there were 7 Sanderling
among the commoner waders at Ferrybridge. |
25th |
The Obs annual open day got in the way of
serious birding today and the only news from the Bill was of a
scatter of Willow Warblers and 2 Sedge Warblers on the
land, a few Sand Martins passing through overhead and 17 Common
Scoter, 2 Common Terns, a Manx and a Balearic
Shearwater, a Great Skua and a skua sp passing on
the sea. |

Yellow Wagtail - Southwell, July
24th 2004 © Debby Saunders |
24th |
More of the same again, with the Bill
area producing 35 Sand Martins, 25 Willow Warblers, 5 Wheatears,
5 Sedge Warblers, 2 Dunlin, 2 Grasshopper Warblers,
a Ringed Plover, a Whimbrel, a Reed Warbler and
a Garden Warbler; elsewhere there was a Cuckoo at
Suckthumb Quarry and a Yellow Wagtail at Southwell. A total of 85 Common Scoter passed the Bill
during the morning and a lone Mediterranean Gull passed
through later in the day. |
23rd |
Another minor flurry of migrants this
morning, with 25 Willow Warblers, 12 Sand Martins, 4 Wheatears,
a Ringed Plover, a Curlew and a Garden Warbler
at the Bill. Seawatching there produced 3 Sandwich Terns, a Mediterranean
Gull, a Common Gull and a Black-headed Gull. In
the evening there were 80 Dunlin, 45 Ringed Plovers, 2
Sanderling, 2 Curlew and a Redshank at
Ferrybridge. |
22nd |
promising-looking overcast, muggy and damp dawn that would no doubt have produced
a hatful of migrants in a few weeks time nonetheless dropped a
surprising selection of birds for so early in the autumn, with the
Bill area providing totals of 6 Willow Warblers, 4 Grasshopper
Warblers, 2 Sedge Warblers, a Lapwing, a Ringed
Plover, a Wheatear, a Whinchat and a Garden
Warbler. The only news from elsewhere was of 178 Dunlin,
49 Ringed Plovers, 3 Curlew and a Sanderling at
Ferrybridge. |
Little Owl - Portland Bill, July
21st 2004 ©
Martin Cade |
21st |
fly-over Crossbill was a quality new arrival at the Bill,
where other migrants included a Common Sandpiper, a Wheatear
and a Willow Warbler; the long-staying Pheasant was
also still present and the family group of Little Owls
continued to show well in the Obs Quarry. Seawatching there produced
just 53 Common Scoter and a Sandwich Tern. |
20th |
first 2 Sedge Warblers and first 2 Willow Warblers of
the autumn were new arrivals at the Bill, along with 2 Yellow
Wagtails, 2 Wheatears, a Grey Heron and a handful
of over-flying Sand Martins. The sea provided just 39 Common
Scoter, 2 commic terns and a Manx Shearwater,
whilst there were 120 Dunlin and 2 Sandwich Terns at
Ferrybridge. |
19th |
Early autumn migrants today included
67 Sand Martins, 3 Whimbrel, a Green Sandpiper,
a Yellow Wagtail and a Reed Warbler at the Bill, where
there were also 2 Yellowhammers. Nine Common Scoter and 9 commic
terns also passed through on the sea at the Bill, 10 Common
Terns and a Black Tern flew overhead at Ferrybridge and
single Mediterranean Gulls were at Ferrybridge and Chesil
Cove. |
18th |
was a small movement of Sand Martins overhead, but otherwise
most of the interest today was on the sea, with totals of 111 Common
Scoter, 6 Manx Shearwaters, 5 commic terns, 1 Curlew,
1 Whimbrel, 1 Arctic Skua and 1 Great Skua
passing through off the Bill. |
Marsh Warbler - Portland Bill, July
17th 2004 ©
Martin Cade |
17th |
Having failed with the early July
rarity in the nets there was some compensation today when a Marsh Warbler was trapped
and ringed in the Obs garden late in the morning; it was released
into the Obs Quarry where brief searches later in the day failed to
reveal any sign of it. Seawatching at the Bill produced 87 Common
Scoter, a Shoveler and a Great Skua, whilst an Arctic
Skua flew over Ferrybridge where there were also 130 Dunlin,
2 Sanderling, 9 Oystercatchers, 7 Common Terns,
2 Sanderling and a Wheatear. |
Little Egret - Ferrybridge, July
16th 2004 ©
Martin Cade |
16th |
afternoon update. Just typical mid-July fare today,
with 13 Common Scoter and a Great Skua past the Bill
(where the last few tardy Guillemots and Razorbills
remain offshore but no Puffins have been seen for a couple of
days) and 96 Dunlin, 7 Sanderling,
6 Common Terns, a Little Egret and a Wheatear
at Ferrybridge. |
15th |
Hardly a bumper selection of news, with just 30
Common Scoter and a Sandwich Tern past the Bill and a
single Common Sandpiper at Grove Point. |
14th |
Very little to report today. A single Chiffchaff
was at the Bill, whilst Ferrybridge produced 109 Dunlin, 5 Sanderling, 3 Bar-tailed
Godwits, 3 Little Terns, 3 Common Terns, a Great Crested Grebe,
a Curlew and a Sandwich Tern. |

Sand Martin and Gannets -
Portland Bill, July
10th 2004 ©
Martin Cade |
13th |
Sand Martins were again
conspicuous, with more than 300 feeding over Top Fields and further
small parties leaving to the south from the Bill throughout the morning.
The Bill area also produced 2 Grey Herons and a Little
Egret, with 11 Common Scoter, 2 Manx and a
Balearic Shearwater and a Whimbrel passing on the sea. Dunlin
increased to 125 at Ferrybridge, but there was otherwise just a Curlew
and a Little Tern there. |
12th |
A Balearic Shearwater was
lingering off the Bill again during the morning, but otherwise the
only reports were of a few more Sand Martins and Swifts
passing overhead and 2 Grey Wagtails, a Redshank and a
Swift at the Bill. |
11th |
The early autumn trickle continued, with 100 Swifts
and 35 Sand Martin leaving to the south from the Bill and a Wheatear
new in on the land there. A Balearic Shearwater lingered
offshore for a while in the morning, but sea passage otherwise
consisted of just 62 Common Scoter, 3 Manx Shearwater
and a Whimbrel moving west. Ferrybridge produced 90 Dunlin,
a Little Ringed Plover, a Sanderling and a Curlew. |

Sandwich Tern - Ferrybridge, July
10th 2004 ©
Martin Cade |
10th |
A Cuckoo, a Chiffchaff
and a Willow Warbler remained at the Bill, but the only new
arrivals there were a few Sand Martins, a Curlew and a
Grey Wagtail; 18 Common Scoter, 4 Manx Shearwaters,
2 Sandwich Terns and a Great Skua passed through on
the sea. Ferrybridge provided totals of 70 Dunlin, 7 Sandwich
Terns and 3 Curlew. |

Cuckoo and Mediterranean Gull - Portland
Bill and Ferrybridge, July 9th 2004 ©
Martin Cade |
9th |
The return of quieter weather saw the
arrival of a few more birds on the land, including 3 Cuckoos,
3 Grey
Wagtails, 2 Chiffchaffs and a Willow Warbler at the Bill.
Seawatching there produced just 43 Common Scoter, 1 Manx
Shearwater and 1 Black-headed Gull, whilst there were 75 Dunlin,
4 Sandwich Terns and a Mediterranean Gull at
Ferrybridge. |

Peregrine - Southwell, July 5th 2004 ©
Guy Edwardes www.guyedwardes.com |
8th |
Birds remained on the move in between
occasional heavy showers, with 300 Swifts, 42 Black-headed
Gulls, 3 Curlew, 3 Sand Martins, 2 Dunlin
and a Whimbrel passing overhead at the Bill; seawatching
there produced 43 Manx Shearwaters, 9 Common Scoter
and a Sandwich Tern. Elsewhere, Dunlin increased to
252 at Ferrybridge, where there were also 3 Little Ringed Plovers,
2 Curlew, a Greenshank and a Sandwich
Tern, whilst juvenile Peregrines are now on
the wing and showing well at Southwell. |

Lapwing - Portland Bill, July 7th 2004 ©
Martin Cade |
7th |
Yesterday's return to summer proved
to be short-lived, with a strong north-east wind and heavy rain
sweeping in today. There was still some movement overhead, with 250 Swifts,
51 Sand Martins, 2 Dunlin, a Lapwing and a Hobby
though into the stiff wind at the Bill. The sea was rather quiet,
with just 25 Common Scoter, 6 Black-headed Gulls and 2
Manx Shearwaters logged at the Bill. Ferrybridge produced 56 Dunlin,
8 Little Terns, 2 Sandwich Terns, 2 Common Terns,
a Curlew and a Mediterranean Gull. |

Guillemot (juvenile settled and
leaping from the cliffs), Swift and Little Ringed Plover - Portland
Bill and Ferrybridge, July 6th 2004 ©
Martin Cade |
6th |
Swifts and Sand Martins
remained on the move, with the latter being particularly
conspicuous: 16 passed straight through at the Bill where another
flock of at least 70 were feeding over Top Fields. Two Greenshank,
2 Common Sandpipers, a Curlew, a Tree Pipit and
a Grey Wagtail were also at the Bill today. A Little
Ringed Plover and a Whimbrel were the pick of the waders
at Ferrybridge, where there was also an unseasonable Common Gull;
a juvenile Little Tern
was also on the wing (the offspring of the only pair of terns that remained
in the breeding colony there after the mass desertion in late June).
An hour after sunset the juvenile Guillemots reared in the
auk colony at the Bill successfully abandoned the breeding ledges
and made off out to sea. |
5th |
At last a day of unbroken sunshine
and nothing more than a gentle breeze. Early autumn migrants
included 30 Sand Martins and 2 Black-headed Gulls
passing overhead at the Bill, where 4 Sandwich Terns, a Little
Egret and a commic tern passed by on the sea; 2 Common
Sandpipers were also present along West Cliffs. |
4th |
A length spell of rain during the
afternoon spoilt what was otherwise a much more pleasant day, with
the strong wind of the last week having dropped right away. A Sand
Martin passed overhead at the Bill, where seawatching provided
totals of 120 Common Scoter, 80 Manx Shearwaters, 3 Sandwich
Terns, 3 Arctic Skuas and 2 Great Crested Grebes. |
3rd |
Another windy day that produced just 54 Manx
Shearwaters and 27 Common Scoter passing through off the
Bill. |
2nd |
A very unsettled day, with the westerly wind
gusting close to gale force at times. Birds are clearly in short
supply in the near parts of the English Channel at the moment since
seawatching at the Bill produced nothing more than 23 Manx
Shearwaters, 8 Common Scoter, 2 Sandwich Terns and
a Curlew. |

Osprey - Portland Bill, July 1st 2004 ©
Martin Cade |
1st |
Despite auspicious precedents, the
prevailing cool, blustery westerly weather conditions promised
precious little in the way of rarities this year, so a surprise early autumn migrant
in the form of an Osprey that flew south down the island and
left out to sea was a welcome sighting during the morning. A singing
Warbler at the Obs was also unexpected, but otherwise the best
the Bill area could turn up was an overflying Curlew and 8 Manx
Shearwaters and 2 Common Scoter passing on the sea. |