30th |
strengthening south-east wind stirred-up a few birds off the Bill,
where there were 7 Red-throated Divers, 2 Great Skuas
and a very late Manx Shearwater. A few flocks of Goldfinches
and Linnets left to the south during the morning, and the Firecrest
was still in the Obs garden. |
29th |
temperature remained spring-like, but the lack of birds was certainly
typical of the beginning of winter. There was a lone Black Redstart
at the Bill, as well as the Firecrest still at the Obs, but
otherwise the only birds of note were a couple of passing Red-throated
Divers offshore. |
28th |
very mild day, with the stiff southerly wind producing a little
passage on the sea. Off the Bill there were 10 Little Gulls and
5 Red-throated Divers, as well as the now resident flock of 40 Common
Scoter. The land was quiet, with just a few Goldcrests and
a Chiffchaff at Pennsylvania Castle, and a Firecrest at
the Obs. At Ferrybidge, there was a single Sandwich Tern and a Pale-bellied
Brent Goose. |
27th |
arrival of very mild air offered the promise of some late migrants,
but it was still a surprise when a Common Swift appeared over
the Windmills area at Easton - the latest Portland record by some
margin. Also quite late were 2 Sandwich Terns at Ferrybridge.
Persistent rain otherwise made birding difficult and the only other
sightings were of a few new Song Thrushes, a Redpoll and
a wintering Firecrest at the Bill, and a Black Redstart
at Weston. |
26th |
very quiet day. Off the Bill, seawatching produced a Great Northern
Diver and a Little Gull, as well as Gannets, Kittiwakes
and auks in good numbers, and a settled flock of 35 Common
Scoter; another Little Gull was seen at Chesil Cove. On the
land at least 1 Firecrest was at the Obs, and there was a
single Blackcap at Pennsylvania Castle. |
25th |
and windy weather was again the order of the day. At the Bill a short
break in the rain during the morning produced 3 Red-throated Divers,
a Sooty Shearwater and an Arctic Skua on the sea, but
prolonged clearer weather in the afternoon provided little more than a
steady trickle of Kittiwakes and auks. |
24th |
Pennsylvania Castle area again produced plenty of birds, although
yesterday's rarities had both moved on. A Treecreeper (the
first on the Island this autumn) was the best new arrival, and there
were also several Chiffchaffs and Goldcrests, single Blackcap
and Black Redstart, and a high count of 33 Long-tailed Tits.
At the Bill there were a few Redwings, 2 Black Redstarts
and the 2 wintering Firecrests. |
23rd |
surprisingly successful day after a less than promising wet start. The
sheltered wood at Pennsylvania Castle was busy with Long-tailed
Tits and late Goldcrests, and in the afternoon a Pallas's
Warbler and a Siberian Chiffchaff were found and showed
well there. Around the Bill, migrants were sparse but included Curlew,
Snipe, 2 Black Redstarts and a few thrushes and finches.
Off the Bill itself seawatching produced 2 Little Gulls, a Sooty
Shearwater and an Arctic Skua, and there were 6 Purple
Sandpiper on the rocks. |
22nd |
return of stormy weather meant that again seawatching was the only
birding possible. Off the Bill there were a steady trickle of Fulmars,
together with a single Sooty Shearwater and a Red-throated
Diver. At least 10 Little Gulls were in Chesil Cove in the
afternoon. On the land the only birds of note were 5 Purple
Sandpipers at the Bill. |
21st |
migrants continued to trickle through. At the Bill, small flocks of Chaffinches,
Goldfinches and Linnets were still leaving to the south,
and a few Song Thrushes and a Redwing had arrived
overnight. A new Chiffchaff and a new Goldcrest joined
the 2 wintering Firecrests at the Obs, and there were at least
4 Black Redstarts at Southwell. The sea produced just 2 Red-throated
Divers off the Bill. |
20th |
real end of autumn day, with little about on the land or sea. A
trickle of Goldfinches and Linnets, together with a
single Siskin and a late Swallow, passed through at the
Bill, and there were still 2 Firecrests in and around the Obs
garden. Offshore, there were a few Common Scoter and a single Red-throated
Diver. |
19th |
little change in the weather it was again the sea that provided most
of the interest today. A Grey Phalarope was found in
Chesil Cove in the morning, whilst Kittiwakes and auks
were still in good supply off the Bill, where there were also 3
Velvet Scoter and a Red-throated Diver. On the land the
only birds of note were a fly-over Lapland Bunting and a Merlin
at Barleycrates Lane. |
18th |
damp and breezy day with a few seabirds on the move in the afternoon.
Off the Bill there was a steady passage of Gannets, Fulmars,
Kittiwakes and auks, along with 4 Arctic and a Pomarine
Skua, a Red-throated Diver and a Brent Goose. The
land was very quiet, with just a single Redwing and at least 1 Firecrest
at the Obs. |
17th |
and blustery north-westerly weather brought a halt to most late
passage today. Sheltered spots held a few Goldcrests and Chiffchaffs,
and there were single Firecrests at both the Obs and
Pennsylvania Castle, and a Black Redstart at the Bill.
Seawatching at the Bill provided just single Red-throated and
Black-throated Divers, and a Red-breasted Merganser. |

Dusky Warbler - ©
Martin Cade
16th |
excellent week continued with the trapping and ringing of a Dusky
Warbler at the Obs in the morning; it showed on-and-off until
midday but couldn't be found in the afternoon. Commoner migrants were
much less obvious than in recent days, but still included Merlin,
Short-eared Owl, Swallow, House Martin, Wheatear
and 2 Firecrests at the Bill. Seawatching at the Bill produced
7 Red-throated Divers, a Wigeon and a Pintail. |
15th |
today was a Siberian Chiffchaff seen at Verne Common (thought
to have been present since November 10th). Common migrants were still
in good supply, with thrushes and finches dominating:
counts at the Bill included 50 Blackbirds, 45 Chaffinches,
25 Song Thrushes and 8 Redpolls. Freshly arrived Blackcaps,
Chiffchaffs and Goldcrests were widely scattered in
small numbers, and there were still 2 Firecrests at the Obs and
another at Southwell. Single Little Egrets were seen at
Ferrybridge, Blacknor and the Bill, a Short-eared Owl flew
north over Weston, and there were 2 late House Martins at East
Weares. |
14th |
recent run of interest continued with a mobile Barred Warbler
at Avalanche Road and Weston Street in the morning; a Dartford
Warbler was also found in the same area. Commoner migrants
included a flurry of late Blackcaps, fair numbers of thrushes
and finches, and single Woodcock and Merlin. Two Swallows
were at the Bill, and a very late Yellow Wagtail flew over at
Weston. |
13th |
day of fine weather and good late autumn fare. Bird of the day was a
showy Pallas's Warbler at Avalanche Road, Southwell, in the
afternoon (perhaps the same individual as a Pallas's/Yellow-browed
Warbler seen briefly at Culverwell in the morning). Other oddities
included a Ruff at Weston, a Grey Phalarope still at
Chesil Cove, 4 Black Redstarts around Weston, a Dartford
Warbler at Tout Quarry, 2 Firecrests at the Obs and a Lapland
Bunting over the Bill. Tardy common migrants remained on the move,
with a sprinkle of thrushes, Goldcrests and finches
everywhere. |
12th |
marked improvement in the weather produced a peculiar selection of
birds on the Island. The highlight was undoubtedly a Waxwing at
Culverwell soon after dawn; unfortunately it was settled only briefly
and soon left to the north. The sea was still surprisingly productive,
with 24 Little Gulls, 2 Red-throated, 2 Black-throated
and a Great Northern Diver past the Bill, and 2 Grey
Phalaropes lingering in Chesil Cove. New migrants at the Bill
included 2 Black Redstarts and 2 Blackcaps, with 2 Firecrests
and a Chiffchaff still in the Obs garden. Finally, there was a
lone Purple Sandpiper at the Bill, and at least 3 Great
Northern Divers in Portland Harbour. |
11th |
return of wet and windy weather meant that seawatching was the only
option for most of the day. At the Bill there was a steady passage of Gannets,
Kittiwakes and auks, together with 34 Fulmars, 10
Common Scoter, 4 Sooty Shearwaters, 4 Little Gulls,
2 Great and 2 Pomarine Skuas, a Storm Petrel and
a Little Auk. On the land the only birds of note were a couple
of Firecrests still present in the Obs garden. |
10th |
remained in very short supply. Over the Bill there was a little
visible passage of Skylarks, Starlings, finches
and Reed Buntings, as well a couple of late Swallows. On
the ground 2 Firecrests and a Chiffchaff remained in the
Obs garden, and sheltered spots elsewhere held a scatter of Goldcrests
and Chiffchaffs. A single Great Northern Diver passed
the Bill in the afternoon. |
9th |
a clear, moonlit night it was not altogether surprising that migrants
were thin on the ground. Thrushes, Blackcaps, Chiffchaffs
and Goldcrests were thinly scattered everywhere, and there was
still at least 1 Firecrest at the Obs. Visible passage
consisted of no more than just a few Chaffinches and a Siskin
over the Bill. |

'eastern' Lesser
Whitethroat - © Martin Cade
8th |
migrants continued to pass through in fair numbers, with thrushes still
dominating. Around the Bill there were more than 100 Blackbirds,
30 Redwings and 10 Fieldfares, as well as 10 Long-tailed
Tits, 3 late Swallows, 2 new Chiffchaffs and a new Firecrest.
The 'eastern' Lesser Whitethroat near Pennsylvania Castle was
still present and was trapped and ringed in the afternoon; the
measurements taken are inconclusive in placing to a subspecies, and it
seems likely to be an intergrade. |
7th |
were again the most conspicuous migrants at the Bill, where there were
150 Redwings, 100 Blackbirds and the first 13 Fieldfares
of the autumn. Three Firecrests were still to be found in and
around the Obs, but the only other new arrivals were a few Chaffinches,
7 Lapwings, 2 Short-eared Owls, a Snipe and a Blackcap.
Elsewhere, the bird of the day was an 'eastern' Lesser Whitethroat
that showed well in the afternoon on the roadside opposite
Pennsylvania Castle. The sea remained rather unproductive, with just a
few Common Scoter, 3 Brent Geese, and single Shelduck,
Teal and Red-breasted Merganser off the Bill. |
6th |
quieter weather brought with it a flurry of migrants. Thrushes
were more conspicuous than for some time, with counts of 50 Blackbirds,
30 Song Thrushes and 26 Redwings at the Bill. A late Wheatear
and 3 House Martins were at the Bill, and single Firecrests
were at the Obs and Pennsylvania Castle. Visible passage included a
trickle of Starlings arriving from the east all day. With the
wind having swung into the north the sea was quiet, with just 2
Great Skuas, a Great Northern Diver and a Little Gull
off the Bill. |
5th |
was productive in the morning, ahead of the arrival of a
south-easterly gale and driving rain in the afternoon. At the Bill
there were 53 Common Scoter, 10 Little Gulls, 4 Fulmars,
3 Great Skuas, 3 Red-throated Divers, 2 Arctic Skuas,
2 Red-breasted Mergansers, a Sooty Shearwater, a Black-throated
Diver and a Pochard. Little birding was possible on the
land, but there were a couple of Redwings, a Blackcap
and a Chiffchaff in the Obs garden. |

Redpoll - © Martin Cade
4th |
were in unexpectedly low numbers despite the improved weather. On the
ground the best birds were 2 Woodlarks at Broadcroft Quarry, 4 Ring
Ouzels at Grove Point and another at the Bill, another new Firecrest
at the Obs and a Short-eared Owl again at the Bill. Visible
passage overhead included a few flocks of Wood Pigeons and Stock
Doves, as well as 3 Redpolls and a Brambling at
the Bill. |
3rd |
weather, albeit with a chilly north-westerly breeze, arrived for the
first time in nearly a fortnight and there was a good deal more about
on the land. At the Bill new migrants included several Swallows,
6 Goldcrests, 4 Firecrests, 4 Chiffchaffs, 4 Blackcaps,
a Short-eared Owl, a Wheatear and a Dartford Warbler,
as well as a good selection of overflying finches and buntings.
Even stronger finch passage occurred over East Weares, where the
movement included single flocks of 120 Chaffinches and 50 Siskins.
The sea was predictably quiet, with just 2 Red-throated and a Great
Northern Diver, and a tardy Storm Petrel off the
Bill. Finally, there were 2 late Sandwich Terns at Ferrybridge,
and 5 Great Northern Divers, 2 Black-necked and a Red-necked
Grebe in Portland Harbour. |
2nd |
subtle change in the weather, with the wind veering briefly to the
south, produced a few migrants at the Bill, where there were 8 Chiffchaffs,
7 Blackcaps, 5 Goldcrests, 3 Firecrests and 2 Black
Redstarts in the morning. By the afternoon the weather had
worsened again so a late Red-breasted Flycatcher was an
unexpected discovery in the Obs garden. The sea was quieter than of
late, with just 2 Storm Petrels and a Brent Goose seen
at the Bill. |
1st |
Petrels again provided much of the interest today, with 31 passing
the Bill and a few still lingering in Chesil Cove. The sea was
otherwise rather quiet, with just a handful of Common Scoter and
a Great Northern Diver off the Bill. Finch movement was
conspicuous over the Bill, where 247 Goldfinches and 214 Linnets
were logged leaving to the south, and a Serin was a brief
visitor to the Obs garden. Other oddities included a Short-eared
Owl at the Bill, a Firecrest at Pennsylvania Castle and a Snow
Bunting over Weston. |