A surprisingly difficult birding day - on the land at least - with the early promise of clear skies and light winds at dawn giving way first to a series of hefty showers and later to an increasingly blustery southwesterly. The sea was watched for the best part of the day and although 2
Great Northern Divers were the only conventional migrants shearwaters put on their best showing of the spring, with the first 2
Balearic Shearwaters of the season and a strong afternoon movement of more than 2500
Manx Shearwaters through off the Bill. Although it was hard work covering the land it did seem as though it was very quiet, with 2 each of
Wheatear and
Chiffchaff, and singles of
Spotted Flycatcher and
Corn Bunting all there was on offer at the Bill. The Ferrybridge wader selection included 18
Sanderling, 3
Dunlin and a
Knot, whilst nearby the lingering
Eider remained in Portland Harbour.
After they've been so conspicuously absent for most of the spring it was nice to finally tap into a really strong evening movement of Manx Shearwaters © Keith Pritchard:
Several Adonis Blues were on the wing today at Penn's Weare © Ken Dolbear: