Although there have been very occasional exceptions - like this - as a rule unseasonable storms at this time of year aren't very rewarding at Portland. Storm Evert's contribution was par for the course and consisted of just 50 Manx and 2 Balearic Shearwaters through off the Bill. The only other reports were of a slightly improved wader selection at Ferrybridge: 47 Dunlin, 13 Ringed Plovers, 6 Sanderling, a Knot, a Curlew and a Whimbrel.
Many thanks to John Dadds for sending us through a very disappointing update on the situation with the Little Terns at Ferrybridge: The Little Terns have all gone now. There were around 50 breeding pairs again this year. Just under 100 eggs hatched but probably a single Kestrel took all but three of them so just three fledglings this year which is the worst year since 2009 when no breeding took place. A total of 83 individual terns with colour-rings were identified during the course of the season of which three were 'outsiders': one from Gronant, north Wales, and two from Ireland © John Dadds: