Absolutely glorious sunshine accompanied by a strong breeze made for the ideal conditions for ambling round the island, if not for producing migrant birds. In fact there was very little of note throughout the whole day save for another appearance of a/the Rosy Starling in a private garden at Easton (a different garden to yesterday's sighting). The sea highlight was a Pomarine Skua through east in the mid-morning, with only a few of the usual suspects included 25 each of Common Scoter and Manx Shearwater, seven Sandwich Terns and two Puffins to provide further interest there. Ferrybridge provided some much needed variety with three Knot and a single Bar-tailed Godwit.
When there aren't many birds around, attention often turns to other things including: the first Meadow Grey Scoparia pyralella of the year, a spectacular bloom of Bithynian Vetch and some areas of Portland that we don't get to visit very often © Erin Taylor: