Despite clear skies and a big moon all night there was a peculiar assortment of new arrivals at the Bill that included 2 Reed Warblers (both in song - see below to have a listen to one of them) and singles of Ringed Plover, Whimbrel, Yellow Wagtail and Bullfinch; hinundines still featured, although in lower numbers than yesterday, whilst the Blackcap that arrived a couple of days ago lingered on. At Ferrybridge the Mediterranean Gull tally reached 74 and waders included 13 Dunlin and a Whimbrel. With the breeze having dropped away sea interest was limited to 23 Common Scoter, 2 Sandwich Terns and a handful of lingering Manx Shearwaters and commic terns off the Bill.
A Wood Carpet (<10 records for Portland) was the pick of the overnight moth catch at the Obs; 4 Mottled Marble, 4 Dark Sword Grass, 2 Dark Spectacle and a Cream-bordered Green Pea made up the rest of the tally of immigrants/wanderers.