The slip into very unsettled conditions continued, with storms tracking across the Channel both during the day and soon after dark. Bird-wise, it was an uneventful day: 2
Chiffchaffs and singles of
Blackcap and
Willow Warbler were at the Bill where 56
Manx Shearwaters, 6
Common Scoter, 2
Mediterranean Gulls and singles of
Great Skua and
Black-headed Gull passed by on the sea; elsewhere 6
Canada Geese were at Chesil Cove.
The overnight immigrant moth selection at the Obs included 18
Diamond-back Moths, 5
Rusty-dot Pearl, 3
Rush Veneer, 2
Delicate and singles of
Dark Sword Grass,
Pearly Underwing and
Small Mottled Willow trapped overnight at the Obs
Hummingbird Hawkmoths are being encountered pretty frequently at the moment © Joe Stockwell: