25th May

Back to par today with very few new arrivals showing up - on the bright side, a freshening easterly did at least give some hope for the next few days. The majority of the day's numbers were on the sea, with a late pulse of 121 Common Scoter being of particular note at the Bill; 11 commic terns, an Arctic Skua, a Black-headed Gull and a steady trickle of Manx Shearwaters also passed by there. The only obvious new arrivals on the land were singles of Hobby, Yellow Wagtail and Chiffchaff at the Bill, where 4 Swifts and a handful of Swallows passed through overhead.

The moth-traps were again busy but quality amongst a poor selection of immigrants/wanderers was limited to a Small Mottled Willow at the Obs and 3 Orange Footman at the Grove.

Red Kites might be streaming by to the north and west of us but the only raptor making the most of the lovely conditions today was this tardy Hobby that paused briefly in the Strips © Martin Cade: