30th June

The last day of the month was somewhat of a surprise weather-wise, with a solidly grey sky and continually renewing rain cloud lingering over the west side of the island, it felt more like September than the beginning of summer. Despite the main focus of the day being on the sea as it drifted in and out of view, the highlight came as a Serin was heard calling, doing loops above the Obs garden before heading north in a gap between showers. The sea was more eventful than in recent days with 19 Balearic Shearwaters, mostly close in offshore heading west. Common fare included nine Manx Shearwaters, singles of Sandwich Tern, commic Tern and Mediterranean Gull as well as the now usual gull flock. The rest of the day was spent tweaking the various DIY projects that have been keeping us busy throughout the lockdown.

Once they arrive in local waters, Balearic Shearwaters are regular visitors - usually a little bit peripherally - to the offshore gull flock © Martin Cade: