31st |
few Storm Petrels continued to linger inshore at Chesil Cove,
but with the weather having improved the majority seem to have
struggled back out to the open sea; 66 were counted passing west at
the Bill during the course of the day. Seawatching also produced a Red-necked
Grebe in Chesil Cove, and 19 Brent Geese, a Black-throated
Diver and an Eider off the Bill. On the land a handful more
migrants appeared, including 11 Redwings, 5 Blackcaps, 2
Firecrests and a Redpoll at the Bill. |
30th |
recent stormy spell reached its peak during the early hours, and in
the morning it soon became apparent that there had been an exceptional
wreck of Storm Petrels. The majority were present in the
relative shelter of Portland Harbour, where the single highest count
was of 90 from Portland Castle. Elsewhere, 20 passed the Bill during
the day, at least 15 were seen at Chesil Cove, and there was even a
lone bird on the Fleet at Ferrybridge. Single Leach's Petrels were
reported from the Bill and Chesil Cove. Other seabirds in the area
included 16 Great Skuas in Portland Harbour and another 4 in
Chesil Cove, as well as 2 Great and an Arctic Skua, a Great
Northern Diver and a Long-tailed Duck off the Bill. |
29th |
was no let-up in the stormy weather, but seawatching was rather
disappointing. Two Storm Petrels and a Great Skua passed
through Chesil Cove in the morning, and the Bill could only manage 5 Common
Scoter and a Red-throated Diver all day. Sheltered spots on
the east side of the Island still held fair numbers of Blackcaps,
Chiffchaffs and Goldcrests, and there was a lone Ring
Ouzel at Tout Quarry. |
28th |
continuing stormy weather made any birding other than seawatching
impossible. At the Bill, the day totals recorded were: 690 Gannets,
450 auks, 174 Kittiwakes, 32 Sooty Shearwaters,
15 Great and 15 Arctic Skuas, 14 Common Scoter, 4
Fulmars, 3 Leach's Petrels, 2 Manx and 1 Balearic
Shearwater, 1 Little Gull and 1 Red-throated Diver. |
27th |
and windy weather made seawatching the only option for most of the
day. A Leach's Petrel that passed through Chesil Cove in the
morning was very much the highlight, with 2 Great Skuas, a Great
Northern Diver and a Sooty Shearwater off the Bill the only
other birds of note. A Short-eared Owl showed well quartering
fields at the Bill at dawn and dusk, and the weather improved enough
in the afternoon for a Dartford Warbler to be found at
Culverwell. At least 4 Firecrests were still at the Obs garden,
where there were also a handful of Chiffchaffs and Goldcrests. |
26th |
clear skies in the morning there was a good deal of visible passage
overhead at the Bill; Goldfinch and Linnet both totalled
more than 250, and there were fair numbers of Skylarks and Siskins.
The stiff north-west wind again made birding on the land difficult,
but the sheltered spots held good numbers of Goldcrests, as
well as a few Blackcaps, Chiffchaffs and Firecrests.
Oddities included single Short-eared Owls at the Bill and East
Weares, and a Ring Ouzel at Suckthumb Quarry. |
25th |
very quiet day. The sheltered East Weares produced a single Dartford
Warbler, and a lone Firecrest showed from time to time at
the Obs. Visible passage consisted of just a trickle of Linnets
and Goldfinches over the Bill. |
24th |
skies, a strong wind and rather few birds today. There was a
surprising amount of overhead passage of finches, particularly Goldfinches
and Linnets, during the morning, but grounded migrants were few
and far between. One or two Firecrests remained around the Obs
and other sites, and there was again a lone Merlin at the Bill.
The sea produced just a single Great Skua. |
23rd |
change to blustery westerly weather all but brought to an end the
decent passage of the past few days. A couple of new Firecrests
were trapped at the Obs but there was little evidence of any other
fresh arrivals. The sea perked up a little with 8 Great and an Arctic
Skua passing the Bill in the morning. |
22nd |
good late autumn day, with lots of visible passage overhead and plenty
of grounded migrants. Birds of the day were two Hawfinches: the
first was at Barleycrates Lane briefly first thing in the morning,
whilst the second spent a little longer around the Coastguards at the
Bill. Goldcrests were in numbers everywhere, and there were
still quite a few Firecrests to be found. Ring Ouzels
totalled about 15, with most around the Bill area, where there
also several Black Redstarts and 2 Dartford Warblers.
Passage overhead included more thrushes than of late, along
with 100 Skylarks, 40 Jackdaws, and a selection of finches
including more than 70 Siskins. |
21st |
Yellow-browed Warbler that showed regularly at Barleycrates
Lane was the best new arrival today. Firecrests figured
prominently again: 4 new individuals were trapped and ringed among the
10 or more present at the Obs, and the all-Island total exceeded 25
birds. Black Redstarts and Stonechats remained quite
numerous, and other migrants reported included 2 Merlins, 9 Golden
Plovers, a Short-eared Owl, 5 Redwings, and
several Siskins and Redpolls. Among this typical late
autumn fare there were still a handful of late Yellow Wagtails
and Whinchats at the Bill. |

Firecrest ©
Martin Cade
20th |
Yellow-browed Warbler was seen by one lucky observer at Fortuneswell,
but otherwise today was very much a Firecrest day. There
were ones and twos at most suitable sites on the Island, as well as a
remarkable total of 10 new individuals trapped and ringed at the Obs.
In comparison most other migrants were in surprisingly short supply,
although there were good counts of at least 16 Stonechats and
13 Black Redstarts around the Bill alone. |

'eastern' Lesser
Whitethroat © Martin Cade
19th |
Lesser Whitethroat was still present in and around the Obs
garden and was trapped again in the afternoon. Further measurements
taken, as well as the birds plumage and behaviour, seem to rule out
the possibility of it being blythi, and it seems to be
belong to another eastern form or more likely an intergrade. This bird
aside, it was another fairly quiet day. There were at least 6 Firecrests,
2 Black Redstarts and a Merlin reported from various
sites, whilst visible passage overhead produced 3 Bramblings
among a selection of other finches. |
18th |
Lesser Whitethroat showing some characters of the form blythi
appeared again at the Obs, but otherwise the recent run of rarities
and scarce migrants came to a halt. Late common migrants were still
present in quite good numbers, and included a scatter of Black Redstarts
and Firecrests around the Island. |
17th |
Dusky Warbler at Southwell School was again the highlight of
the day, although it remained tricky to see for most of the time.
Oddities about the Island included an Osprey over Pennsylvania
Castle, a Short-eared Owl in Top Fields, a Dartford Warbler
near the Obs, a Lapland Bunting at Southwell and a Snow
Bunting flying north up West Cliffs. Common migrants were not as
numerous as on the last two days, but still included up to 10 Black
Redstarts, 3 Firecrests, a Ring Ouzel, and a fair
passage of finches overhead. |
16th |
exciting day saw a few of yesterday's birds still about, as well as a
flurry of fresh common migrants and rarities. The Dusky Warbler
at Southwell School and the Pallas's Warbler at the Mermaid Inn
were both present all day, although both were very elusive in the
strengthening wind. Two Rose-coloured Starlings were new
arrivals: one stayed all day at the Grove, and another made a fleeting
visit to the Bill in the afternoon. Scarcer migrants reported about
the Island included several Black Redstarts, 5 Tree Sparrows,
2 Ring Ouzels and 2 Dartford Warblers. Thrushes, Chiffchaffs
and Goldcrests were numerous everywhere, and there were also
the first few Redpolls of the autumn passing over at the Bill. |
15th |
cracking autumn day, with exciting new birds showing-up throughout the
day. Under heavily overcast skies at dawn it was obvious that there
was much more in the way of common migrants about. Song Thrushes
and Blackbirds were conspicuous for the first time this autumn,
and the trees were alive with Goldcrests, Firecrests and
Chiffchaffs. Very soon a Dusky Warbler was discovered
beside the Southwell School (it continued to show on and off all day),
and nearby the Yellow-browed Warbler was still present at
Avalanche Road, where there were also 3 Ring Ouzels. As the
morning went on, a blythi-type Lesser Whitethroat was seen and
then trapped at the Obs, and a Pallas's Warbler was found at
the dung heap beside the Bill Road. During the afternoon an Osprey
flew over at the Bill, and finally a second Pallas's Warbler
was found behind the Mermaid Inn at Wakeham. |
14th |
several quite lean days a few more oddities showed-up today, . A Yellow-browed
Warbler was a new arrival at Avalanche Road, and there was also an
Osprey and a Dartford Warbler at the Bill, 2 Pale-bellied
Brent Geese at Ferrybridge, and a Short-eared Owl at
Nicodemus Knob. Common migrants - Meadow Pipits excepted -
remained in surprisingly short supply, although a small influx of Firecrests
saw a total of at least 5 new individuals logged, and Stonechats
increased to 25 at the Bill. |
13th |
a clear moonlit night grounded migrants were in short supply but there
was a lot of visible passage in the first couple of hours of the day.
At the Bill, more than 500 alba Wagtails passed through,
together with good numbers of Swallows and Linnets, and
a few Song Thrushes, Bramblings, Siskins and Reed
Buntings; on the ground there were up to 1000 Meadow Pipits,
but otherwise just a sprinkle of Blackcaps, Chiffchaffs
and Goldcrests. Offshore, the only birds of note were 2 Red-throated
Divers. |
12th |
calmer day, albeit still with a few heavy showers, saw to it that
there was more about on the land. Visible passage was conspicuous at
the Bill in the morning: alba Wagtails, Swallows and Linnets
all passed through in high numbers, and less common species included a
few Reed Buntings, Siskins and a Brambling. On
the ground, numbers were generally lower, but there was a reasonable
sprinkle of Blackcaps, Chiffchaffs and Goldcrests
everywhere. Late migrants included Yellow Wagtails, Whinchats,
Redstart and Whitethroat at the Bill. |
11th |
of the same weather, but fewer birds. Off the Bill there were just 3 Arctic
and a Great Skua, and a single Manx Shearwater. A Merlin
was the only worthwhile migrant at the Bill, and an Osprey was
again seen at Ferrybridge. |
10th |
day of strong winds and rather few birds. The highlights were a
fly-through Sabine's Gull at Chesil Cove in the morning, and a
brief Grey Phalarope at Ferrybridge in the afternoon; these
aside, the only noteworthy seabirds were 3 Great Skuas off the
Bill. A couple of Merlins were seen at the Bill, but otherwise
migrants seemed thin on the ground everywhere. |
9th |
rain and strong winds saw to it that the only birding done today was
seawatching from the Bill, where there were 16 Common Scoter, 7
Great and 5 Arctic Skuas, 4 Sooty Shearwaters, a Great
Northern Diver, a Brent Goose and a Storm Petrel. |
8th |
Yellow-browed Warbler at Avalanche Road was again the highlight
of an otherwise quiet day. Visible passage was conspicuous, with over
250 alba Wagtails leaving to the south from the Bill alone, but
grounded migrants remained thin on the ground everywhere. Oddities
included an Osprey over the Bill, a Knot on the East
Cliffs and 2 Short-eared Owls around Top Fields. |
7th |
Yellow-browed Warbler as still present at Avalanche Road, but
it was otherwise a rather quiet day all round. Grounded migrant
numbers fell sharply, and the overcast skies saw to it that visible
passage was restricted to just a steady trickle of Swallows and
Linnets. A couple of Bramblings passed through the Obs
garden and another was in Top Fields, a Firecrest was at the
Verne, and an Osprey appeared briefly at Ferrybridge. |
6th |
arrived in numbers today, with a decent arrival of grounded migrants
and some heavy visible passage overhead. At the Bill, totals included
1000 Meadow Pipits, 50 Chiffchaffs, 30 Goldcrests,
20 Stonechats and 15 Blackcaps, and there were lots of
new Wrens, Dunnocks and Robins about the area. At
the Obs, the total of 54 new birds trapped and ringed represented the
highest day-total of birds ringed since 6th August - a meagre total
but a fair reflection of how few good arrivals of common migrants
there have been so far this autumn. Visible passage totals at the Bill
included 1000 Swallows, 300 alba Wagtails, 75 Siskins,
30 Tree Pipits, 25 Chaffinches, 12 Reed Buntings,
11 Golden Plovers, 2 Hobbies and single Redwing
and Brambling. Finally, to round the day off well, a Yellow-browed
Warbler was discovered at Avalanche Road, Southwell, in the late
afternoon. Late record for today received on 7/10: A Woodlark
was at Barleycrates Lane in the afternoon. |
5th |
strong and - for the first time this autumn - cold north-westerly wind
again made birding on the land difficult. One or more Lapland
Buntings were seen and heard overhead at the Bill during the
morning, but migrants were otherwise pretty sparse there. The more
sheltered trees in the middle of the Island held a few Chiffchaffs
and Goldcrests, and there was a late Spotted Flycatcher
at Easton Fire Station. Seabirds included 2 Great Skuas and a Red-throated
Diver off the Bill, but much the best bird was the Grey
Phalarope that showed well in Chesil Cove throughout the
afternoon. Late record for today received on 6/10: An Osprey was
seen at Ferrybridge in the morning. |
4th |
few more migrants were expected as the wind had dropped markedly, but
unfortunately the day proved to be a disappointment. Most of the
commoner migrants were present, but numbers of all were rather low. At
the Bill there was a fair movement of Swallows and Meadow
Pipits, together with a few Grey Wagtails and Tree
Pipits. Chiffchaffs and Goldcrests were present in
small numbers everywhere, and late migrants at the Bill included 4 Whitethroats
and a Pied Flycatcher. The sea was much quieter than yesterday,
although 2 Great and an Arctic Skua, as well as a late Roseate
Tern were seen off the Bill. |
3rd |
remained in pretty short supply in the strong wind, and the only
oddities found were 2 Merlins and a Hobby at the Bill.
The sea was much more interesting, particularly in the afternoon when
the wind increased still further. Off the Bill, totals logged included
45 Sooty Shearwaters, 9 Brent Geese, 8 Sandwich Terns,
5 Arctic and 4 Great Skuas, and the first Great
Northern Diver of the autumn. |
2nd |
a howling north-westerly wind blowing for most of the day, birding was
difficult nearly everywhere. Most surprisingly, 2 Honey Buzzards
left from the Bill during the morning, but common migrants there were
otherwise either scarce or keeping their heads down. The sheltered
east side of the Island held a few Goldcrests and Chiffchaffs,
and searching in these areas eventually turned-up a Yellow-browed
Warbler above Penn's Weare in the afternoon. |

Radde's Warbler ©
Martin Cade
1st |
exciting day, with the highlight being the trapping of a Radde's
Warbler at the Obs in the middle of the day. Many birders were in
the area to see the bird in the hand, but it made for cover after
release and was not seen again. The Wryneck was still present
at the Bill, where there was also the best arrival of common migrants
for some time, with Goldcrests and Chiffchaffs being
particularly numerous. Single Firecrests were at the Obs and
Pennsylvania Castle, with the latter site also holding a couple of Pied
and a Spotted Flycatcher. At least 3 Honey Buzzards were
seen overhead early in the day, but later the only large raptor
reported was a Marsh Harrier flying south across Lyme Bay. |