13th May

We shouldn't have complained about too much samey weather just lately as today we were on the receiving end of the pay-back - 12 hour and counting of heavy rain! What birding was possible for a few hours from dawn revealed an island all but bereft of grounded arrivals, with no more than 2 Wheatears and singles of Reed Warbler and Spotted Flycatcher at the Bill and 3 Bar-tailed Godwits, a Grey Plover and a Knot at Ferrybridge; of local interest, the Alexandrine Parakeet was in gardens at Southwell during the morning - having obviously returned from its jaunt way out to sea last evening. A Hobby, as well as a few Swifts and hirundines, made it through overhead before the rain put the block on further diurnal passage. Two Red-throated Divers and singles of Pomarine and Arctic Skua also passed by Chesil and the Bill ahead of the rain.

A slowed-up Arctic Skua fly-by from the Bill this morning © Martin Cade:

Moth interest has been uniformly terrible for some weeks, with poor numbers and even poorer variety from the Obs moth-traps. Finally, this past weekend did bring a significant increase in Silver Ys, with a strong diurnal northbound passage evident throughout the island © Steve Mansfield:

In tandem with the Silver Ys one or two strays have begun to show up in the moth-traps, the best of which in a local context was this Pine Beauty at the Obs - they're a less than annual visitor to the island © Martin Cade: