Having birding haunts such as Reap Lane and Suckthumb Quarry on your doorstep is a treat during such strange times ©Debby Saunders:
9th April
After yesterdays celebration of spring today fell rather flat, however, it was a wonderfully warm and calm day that was perfect for finishing off some outside jobs. The highlight of the day was an early Garden Warbler along the West Cliffs. Away from the Bill, the centre of the island turned up a second Lesser Whitethroat, a male Redstart at Reap Lane and a flyover Little Ringed Plover past Blacknor. Hirundine passage had slowed but once again Swallows were the dominant force accompanied by low single figures of Sand Martins and House Martins. With the change in temperature, the sea was once again coated in a thick haze and limited sea-watching highlights to a single Arctic Skua, three Curlews and 121 Common Scoters.