Suddenly feeling pretty raw today with a blasting northerly having set in during the late hours of the night. The Barred Warbler remained at the Bill - now in the hut field next to the Obs garden - as did singles of Black Redstart and Blackcap, but new arrivals there consisted of just 4 Redwings and 2 Lapwings; 10 Red-throated Divers also passed through on the sea. The only other reports were of a Snipe over the Windmills and a Pheasant in the Borstal park at the Grove.
Singles of Diamond-back Moth and Rusty-dot Pearl were the only immigrant moths caught overnight at the Obs.
Also thanks to Nick Hopper for getting in touch with some more news from his last nocturnal recording session (last Sunday morning, 30th November). The recorder had been left running until some while after dawn and right at the end of the session (at 07.55am) it logs a Snipe not only calling but - quite bizarrely - 'winnowing' as it passes over; not surprisingly, we've never heard of a Snipe winnowing/drumming at any time at Portland let alone on migration at the end of November: