5th April

All or nothing conditions at dawn - heavily overcast and damp after a clear night - were quickly revealed to have taken the latter course, with little more than a thin spread of routine fare at the Bill: 2 Tree Pipits and singles of Redstart and a Black Redstart constituted the only real interest amongst a handful of phylloscs and an almost astoundingly pitiful total of just 4 Wheatears (there hasn't been a double figure total of them on any day this week). Seawatching was frequently hampered by poor visibility but eventually came up with totals at the Bill that included 21 Red-throated Divers, 5 commic terns, 2 Great Skuas and a lone Mallard. The only other report was of the Iceland Gull lingering on at Ferrybridge.

Redstart and Willow Warbler variation - Portland Bill, 5th April 2014 © Joe Stockwell Yet another birding blog