11th March
The return of a complete cloud cover - coupled with the
continuing brisk north-easterly - saw the temperature take a tumble. The make
up of the day's migrant miscellany also had a chilly feel, with a Woodcock at
Suckthumb Quarry and winter thrushes featuring in their highest numbers so far
this year, including single figure totals of Redwings at several sites between
the Bill and Barleycrates Lane, and 2 Fieldfares at Suckthumb Quarry; other new
arrivals included 2 Chiffchaffs and singles of Goldcrest and Firecrest at the
Bill and a Black Redstart at Southwell. One of the Iceland Gulls showed up
again along the Beach Road, whilst seawatching at the Bill came up with 38
Common Scoter, 10 Red-throated Divers, 4 Shelduck and singles of Black-throated
Diver, Great Northern Diver and Brent Goose.