With a heavy cloud cover overhead dawn promised birds aplenty but failed to deliver, with overhead passage reduced to little more than a trickle and ground migrants far from plentiful. The day was somewhat saved by a fair spread of less frequent migrants that included 8 Ring Ouzels (including 5 at West Weare), 7 Yellow-browed Warblers (including 3 at Old Hill), 6 Crossbills, 4 Merlins, 2 Short-eared Owls, 2 Firecrests and a Lapland Bunting; the Rosy Starling also remained in situ at Easton and a Cattle Egret flying over Ferrybridge was a surprise oddity. If numbers were lower than expected then at least common migrants variety was up to par, with most of the typical late autumn fare represented: Redpolls staged a good showing overhead that included 53 over the Bill but visible passage was otherwise rather pedestrian; few if any of the meagre grounded totals were worthy of a mention. After their good showing earlier in the week Kittiwake passage resumed, with 135 through off the Bill where a passing Arctic Skua was also of note.
After being absent for the best part of the year Clouded Yellows have been featuring daily in quite good numbers just lately - these two were at Church Ope Cove this afternoon © James Phillips